Chapter 4 - Bed

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Cory's POV

It's the night before Diana's birthday celebration at my loft, and I'm a hot mess. I've been cleaning all day, making sure key areas such at the kitchen and bathrooms are presentable for guests. As I shove the last of my clutter in my closet, I set about arranging my artwork for optimal viewing.

It's not that I'm not used to clients coming to my loft. It's more that I'm not used to them being here for any length of time. I finally place my paintings about, with additional lighting as needed. I put the painting the Hiddleston children have purchased in the center with the best lighting for viewing, then I collapse on the sofa.

How did I get myself into this mess, I think, but I know the answer. It was a 6'2" Adonis who showed up at my door unexpectedly.

When my buzzer sounded last week, I grumbled and wiped my hands on a spare rag. I had been in full-on painting mode, trying to beat the clock, and the natural light, to finish a work I had been putting off. Much like writer's block, I get artist's block, so when the muse strikes, I work fast and furiously before my inspiration takes a holiday again.

"Yes!" I said into the intercom.

"I am sorry, Ms. Mayer. It's Tom...Tom Hiddleston. May I come up?"

I released the speaker button to grumble again before saying, "Yes, of course. Come on up." Once again, I found my appearance unruly, this time wearing an Adam Ant t-shirt. There was a soft knock on the door which I answered.

"Mr. Hiddleston. Please come in," I said, opening the door wide. He flashed a brilliant smile at me.

"Darling, I've asked you to call me Tom," he said, with his brow raised as if he was silently calling me a naughty girl. If I'm honest, it's a look that made my lady bits twitch.

"I'm sorry, Tom. How can I help you? Have you changed your mind about the painting?" I asked once I regained my composure.

"No, not at all. I think it's a lovely piece and Mum will adore it," he said, walking further into my loft to examine the surroundings. For a moment, I felt as if I was speaking with James rather than Tom, then he turned back to me, again flashing his world-famous smile before rubbing his neck.

"I have a rather strange request, I'm afraid," he said a bit sheepishly.

"Oh?" I said, taking a step back from him. After all, he may be famous, but famous people hide weird behaviors all the time. For all I know, Tom could be about to ask to sniff my shoes or something.

"Yes, well you see, we're hoping to have a surprise birthday party for my mum next Saturday."

"Well, that's no problem. I can have the painting delivered in time for the party."

"Well, I'm hoping it won't have to be delivered," Tom said.

"I'm sorry...I'm not following," I said, ready to run to my room to guard my shoes.

He let out an 'eheheh', then rubbed his neck again.

"I'm afraid I'm not good with this, so I'll just come right out and ask. My sister and brother and I were wondering if we could have Mum's party here."

I blinked at him repeatedly, causing Tom to continue in a rush. "You see, we can't have it at Emma's because Mum already suspects something is amiss. My flat is out of the question due to the paparazzi hanging about. And James is having renovations done. So, one thing led to another, and I suggested that you may be willing to offer your loft for the event. After all, Mum loves your work."

Despite my shock, I found myself considering it. "What would it entail?" I asked. Tom smiled at me before continuing.

"We're planning a small party, 15 people at the most. Just family and some friends. We will, of course, compensate you for the inconvenience, and it will be a catered affair, so no work in that area would be required of you."

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