Chapter 13 - Pain

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Cory's POV

I'm on Day 3 at James' flat. It's a beautiful space in the Chelsea area of London, and I'm sure the price tag would make me drop dead if I were told. At James' insistence, I brought supplies for painting along with my clothes, though I refused to bring any of my finished works. James still insisted on showing me the proposed gallery which is in a shop space on the first floor of his building. Again being in Chelsea, I'm sure it would cost more per month to rent than I'll likely earn in my lifetime. When I said as much to James, he simply smiled and took me in his arms, saying, "Nothing is too expensive for you, my Love." I don't want to take advantage of James, so I don't talk about the gallery any further.

During my time here, I've had the chance to meet James' business associates, Chris and Robert. Chris seems easygoing, with a quick smile and an even quicker wit. Robert, on the other hand, is much more reserved. I catch Robert staring at me sometimes, not in a predatory way, but more like he's trying to figure something out.

I've tried to glean more about James' business, but both men seem tight-lipped in their own way. Chris makes noncommittal responses then changes the subject, whereas Robert just ignores my comments such as "So, the import-export business... that must be interesting." Their reluctance to provide information only adds to my suspicion that James does not walk the straight and narrow where business is concerned. Add to it James' impersonation of a cyborg whenever the three of them are together in my presence, and my Spidey sense is definitely tingling.

Still, James is respectful to me in their presence, drawing me into their conversations when it revolves around current events, pop culture, or even sports.

"So, who's your team this year, Mate?" Chris asks Robert as we eat dinner together. This has become a habit - I love to cook, and it seems that the men cannot get enough of it. Hence, they eat most evenings at James' flat. If I had to guess, I'd think that both Chris and Robert served with James by their shared desire for some sense of life before the military, such as a home-cooked meal.

"You know who my team is - Manchester United," Robert says, not looking up from devouring the short rib stew with homemade sourdough bread I've made this evening.

Chris chuckles at his remark. "You'd think you'd pick a winning team for once," he says, earning a scowl from Robert and a chuckle from James.

Chris finishes his third bowl with bread. "That was delicious, Cor. What kind of bread was that again?"

"Sourdough," I say, gathering up the dishes and taking them to the kitchen.

"Huh... Do you have more, or perhaps dessert?" Chris asks.

I laugh because I've learned that Chris is s bottomless pit. "Yes, I have more, and there's cheesecake for dessert," I reply as I return to the table.

"You can have dessert later," James says, standing as does Chris and Robert. Chris smiles and winks at me. "Save some for me?" he asks, and I nod.

The two men walk toward James' office as he turns to me. "Just a bit of business, Love. I won't be more than an hour or so," James says, kissing me softly on the lips.

"Okay, but if you're more than an hour, I just might start without you," I whisper in his ear, making him blush. That's one thing I've discovered about James - when I whisper even slightly scandalous things to him, he turns all shades of red.

He pulls back from me, placing his hands on my waist. "Don't make promises you won't keep," he says, making me blush this time. When he sees this, he takes me into his arms for a hug. "That's my good girl. Still so sweet," he says before pulling back from our embrace to kiss me soundly.

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