Chapter 18 - Choices Made

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James' POV

It was a blur of action after my shot went off. Mr. Z was on the ground, with Cory standing over him, staring at his lifeless body. Robert, who had broken a pane of glass to gain entry, had rushed to Tom.

Me? I stared from the gun in my hand to the scene I had caused. When I regained my focus, I moved toward Cory to see if she's injured.

Cory is spattered with blood, though thankfully none is her own. "Come on, Love. Let's get you cleaned up," I whisper, taking her by the hand to lead her to the master bath.

"Bloody hell, James! He could have killed me!" Tom says, gritting his teeth as Robert checks the injury to his arm.

"Stop your whining, Buttercup. It's just a flesh wound, a graze really. It'll only leave a small scar, and you know what they say? Chicks dig scars," Robert says before moving to the main bathroom to retrieve first aid supplies.

"Robert will get you fixed up, Tom," I say, my eyes still on Cory as I walk with her. She's not said a word, instead just staring at a nothingness in front of her.

I close the bathroom door quickly, turning to Cory to gently strip her. Once she's in just her bra and panties, I start the shower to warm it.

Cory's POV

I should be in shock, I keep saying to myself. Hell, maybe I am.

The thing that has me puzzled and at least a little freaked out is that I wanted James to do it. I wanted him to kill Mr. Zmayefski. He was a bad man, and he deserved to die.

But what about James? Isn't he also bad?

Perhaps... Or maybe it's the degree of bad I don't mind. As I watch him check the temperature of the water and look for soap and shampoo, with no small amount of concern in his eyes, I realize that James Hiddleston may be a bad man, but he's my bad man.

"Alright, Love. I'll let you get out of those and into the shower. I'll be right outside the door if you need me," he says as he grabs the knob.

"James..." I say, causing him to stop. He turns to look at me, and I see barely contained emotions flit across his face - worry, pain, fear - all directed at me. And love.

"Please... Stay with me."

He looks into my eyes before nodding, walking over to sit on the commode.

"No," I say, grabbing his hand. He looks confused as I step toward him.

"Stay with me... be with me. I... I need to feel alive," I say, and the tears finally come. Not for Mr. Zmayefski, but for James and what he had to do, what he's probably had to do on countless other occasions.

James steps toward me and takes me in his arms, holding me close. As I feel a wetness on my shoulder, he finally speaks.

"For a moment there, I thought I'd lost you, Love," he whispers.

He steps back slightly and kisses me chastely on the lips. When I deepen it, his grip on me increases then he lets go, making quick work of first his then my remaining clothes.

As he pushes me into the shower, he's kissing me again and I feel my back hit the cool tile of the wall. He continues to kiss me, moving across my cheek to my ear.

"Are you sure?" James asks quietly.

"I'm sure," I whisper back, and a small moan escapes his lips as he kisses the sensitive spot behind my ear.

As I run my hands down his back, James lifts me up, using the shower wall as leverage. Instinctively, I wrap my legs around his hips while placing my hands on his shoulders.

James looks back and forth between my eyes as he guides himself into me, stilling once he's fully seated. I close my eyes as he fills me, and I hear a moan escape my lips.

"Cory...My Love," he says as he starts languid movements in and out of my core. Our lovemaking is slow but passionate, allowing our lips to touch each other's skin wherever we can.

"James..." I say as I feel my climax building in my belly.

"Yes, my Love," he pants while picking up his pace.

"I need... I need," I say, trying to find my words.

"What do you need? Whatever it is, I'll gladly give it to you," he says, then a groan leaves his lips, signaling that his own orgasm is getting close.

I look into his eyes, finally clear on what it is. "I need... you," I say as I feel my climax take over, closing my eyes while softly saying his name.

James moans and says my name just as softly, burying himself inside me at his release. He stays there, not moving, until we both lift our heads to look at one another.

"You have me, Baby," he whispers as he rests his forehead against mine.

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