Chapter 5: If he wants to play, we got it on like Donkey Kong!

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Sorry I have not updated in a while. I just have so much homework I got to do on weekdays. Stupid school don't believe I have a life out of school. The only days that I would probably only be able to update on is the weekends, but I will try to update as quickly as possible. Enjoy! If you like the chapter, please vote and let me know what you like and what you don't like. Thx!

P.S. Picture of Kayla on the side!

;) Jamie


Chapter 5: If he wants to play, we got it on like Donkey Kong!

Deep breaths Faith. Breath in and breath out, in and out. Wow, I sound like I have anger management issues. Why am I panicking? I have no idea. It's not like LMFAO will jump out and start dancing and singing to "Sexy and I Know It," because I would not need to see that. What if they performed in Narnia or Oz? I would do anything to see that! Just picture the munchkins' faces! Hahaha!

Okay, I feel so much better now. I open the door, smiling and still dragging Kayla behind me like a toddler that does not want a friend to leave their house. The room was not that different than the rest of the house. The walls are beige-brown with a couple of animal pictures here and there. Other than that, the room is pretty empty except for the beige bed, brown sofas, and people. This room is way too matchy matchy; it feels too uniformed and organized. Good thing they called for me, cause once I'm done decorating this room, the walls will be covered in graffiti.

I look over at the man in the bed and my smile drops. I totally forgot why I was here for a minute. "Mr. Fray" wanted to clarify something with me. I want to just run from the room as if Death was at my heels, but I can't show any weakness and stay. I will literally kill this guy if no one else does it first. Wait, I want to be the one that kills him. I guess I will repeatedly stab him in the eye with my fork. I don't even think that will satisfy me enough. I want his blood smeared on the ground and leave his limbs stacked up in a pile for his family and friends to see; I may leave a note too.

I head over to the empty love seat, which was sadly right next to him. I slump down onto the sofa and Kayla takes the seat next to me when she let go of my ankle. Man, this guy is going to get pranked so hard he will cry like a kid would if someone takes his candy. Trust me, I made a grown man cry before and I'm excited to do it again. The grown man that I made cry before was a judge. Someone sued me cause I glued meat on his vegetarian daughter's car. I have nothing against vegetarians, she just pissed me off. She then ran crying to her daddy and he sued me. Boo hoo hoo, I feel so guilty for doing what I did now, not. She could have gotten a new car, her "daddy" was pretty rich. I yelled at the judge and said some nasty things, but it worked; I did not have to pay any money and it made my day to see a judge cry.

"What are you two doing?" Richard asks with suspicious eyes as he pulled me out of my memory. He's not wearing what he was wearing last night at dinner. Wow, I'm the only one in here that still has on the same clothes from last night. I really am weird, but that makes me a ninja.

I look at Richard in confusion with a 'what are you talking about psycho?' look. Ya, you know what face I'm talking about. What did we do to have him ask that? Kayla came and got me and we came down stairs when I dragged her by my ankle. Oh, he's talking about me dragging her in. "Oh that, Kayla wanted to pretend to be one of those chain things that criminals wear in prison," Kayla and I smile at him as he rolls his eyes. We just stick out our tongues at him. What can I say, great minds think alike. Everyone laughs and we hear a 'thump' and an 'oomph.' We all look around and Connor is on the floor holding his elbow and Dylan bursts out laughing. Is this their way of showing brotherly love? Laughing at the other one that gets hurt?

I chuckle lightly and look over at the man in the bed. My eyes harden as my blank mask slips on. "You wanted to see me," I stated looking at him in the eye. I have to give it to him, he doesn't even flinch. When I would do it to others at home in England, they would fly 10 feet in the air to get away from me.

"Yes, I did," Mr. Fray also looks at me in the eye in return. "I wanted to clarify that you have me mixed up with someone else."

Is he joking with me? "Ya right. I would know if I have you mixed up with someone else. Everyone will believe you, but I won't," I narrow my eyes at him. If he wants to play, we got it on like Donkey Kong!

"What proof do you have?" His eyes darkened and narrowed. Mrs. Fray put a hand on his arm to calm him down. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Ya, don't want him to go wolf now do we? It's not like I know their furry secret.

"Your eyes, they're vibrant violet. I have never seen those eyes before. The only time I saw them before was when I stabbed the man's eye with my fork," I nod my head at his eyes.

His eyes widen and I see shock in his eyes. Ya, didn't think I was paying attention? He looks over at his wife and it seems that they were having a mental conversation. I look over at the others and see them doing the same thing. Well, thank you for inviting me guys. What's going on? I feel so left out. I guess I can change that.

"NINJAS!!!!" I scream on the top of my lungs and everyone panics. Kayla actually fell off the love seat due to how I practically yelled in her ear. I sure hope she ain't deaf. The thing that does not make sense though, was that she fell backwards over the backing instead of going forward onto her face. How did she do that? I'll stop thinking about it or I will end up having a migraine.

"I love Ninjas!" Kayla screeches as she jumps up from the floor. From the screech, you would assume that she was talking about her high school crush.

Really? I need to hug this girl to death. She goes to Oz and Narnia and sheloves Ninjas! Yes people, it starts with a capital N. This girl keeps on getting better and better. If alien turkeys invade Earth to eat all our brains, I'm saving this chick.

"Me too!" I jump up, we high five, and we dance. Yes, we danced (only epic people will understand).

"Okay, but I was debating if I should tell you something or not; I decided to tell you," Mr. Fray catches my attention. "I can tell you that I am not who you're thinking of."

My eyes harden even more, if that was even possible. "Oh no-"

"It's my brother," Mr. Fray cuts me off. I hate it when people cut me off. How about I cut you off with a punch? You wouldn't like that either. "He has the same eyes as me. He used to be a good person, but something happened and he disappeared. This was the first time I heard about him in about 16 years." He trails off in thought. Mrs. Fray continues to rub his arm.

My eyes widen and I must have looked like a deer caught in headlights. I'm so stupid, how could I not think of that? Wow, I am way too alert and I assume things too much. I guess that happens when you get put into a situation like mine. You shouldn't trust people, but you do it anyway. "Sorry?" I mutter and look down.

"It's okay Faith, I understand why you would make assumptions. If it's okay to ask, I would like to know what happened to you," he speaks as if he knew it was a touchy subject. Why say "if I could ask" when you state afterward? May be they can help me, but I don't want to bring them down with me. May be they can give me the information I need and I could just leave. I can't just do that right away though, they may try to help me get revenge.

Someone pokes me in the cheek and I quickly look at Kayla. She looks at me with an 'are you okay?' and 'we are waiting for your answer' look. I realize that I was just standing there staring at Mr. Fray for a couple of minutes. I must have looked like an idiot. I sit back down and look at him.



So, here is chapter 5. Did you like it or hate it? Please comment and vote if you liked it. This chapter is dedicated to @katrocks247, cause she is an awesome writer! So, go check her out!

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