Chapter 21

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Harriet's POV

Alex blindfolded me and stuck me in a car that drove me for what felt like hours, but it was probably only 10 minutes.

They stopped, took off my blindfold and pushed me out of the car. I sat on the sidewalk and surveyed my surroundings. I was about two blocks from the house.

I saw police cars in front of the house, strange. I went to the front door and a cop refused to let me in.

"I need to go in," I said in tears.

"Why?" he questioned.

"I live here," I said.

"Stay out here for a few minutes," he said.

"LET ME IN!" I said pounding on his chest, "LET ME IN!"

"HARRIET!" Harry yelled pushing past the police officer and picking me up bridal style.

"Harry," I said curling into a ball in his arms, "I'm such an idiot."

"No, you're not, well you are, but you're fine, and that's all that matters," he said picking me up and bringing me to a couch.

"No, Harry, I'm not fine," I said pushing away from him.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Harreh?" Louise questioned coming inside the room.

"Boo, I'm so sorry," I said hugging her.

"It's alright," she said.

"I-I have to tell everyone something," I said, "Get them all in here."

"Okay," Louise said going to gather everyone. Slowly everyone came in, except Zayn.

"Where is he?" I asked.

Liam tensed and Zayna looked at the floor.

"Where is Zayn guys?" I asked again.

"Harriet, he-he's dead," Harry said putting his hand on my shoulder.

"What did you have to tell us?" Lian asked.

"Dead," I whispered, "Dying."

"Yea, should have told you immediately," Harry said awkwardly.

"Zayn is dying," I whispered, "Nellie is dead. What's even the point of going on?"

"Harriet, what did you say?" Niall asked.

"Nellie is-dead," I said.

"What?" Niall asked.

"Well.....I was in their base and I had been there for a few days when Nellie came. She refused to eat, but I made her, we were tortured once a week. They took her away from me and told me that she was dead, and I had to tell you so they set me free," I said.

"Tortured?" Louis asked.

"Yea," I said lifting up the back of my shirt revealing my scarred back, "See, and that's not all it's all over my body, those marks."

"Harriet," my Boobear said worried.

"What's going on in here?" a cop said.

"Nothing, just....talking," I said.

"No," Liam said, "She just got back from some weird building and one of her friends is there being tortured."

"Liam!" I said.

"No, can you get a doctor to check her out, she has scars all over her body," he continued.

"Stop, Liam!" I said curling up in a ball.

"No, you need to help-"

"Liam!" I said.

"Harriet! Stop!" he snapped at me.

"Liam stop getting in everyone's business. Didn't you cause enough pain?" Lian asked, with tears in her eyes.


"No Liam!" She cut him off.

"Zayn's gone because of you. Now Nellie's dead. All these people are dying and we can't do anything about it!" Lian finally explodes. For the longest time I've known her, she had always held it together no matter how big of a problem. She's finally cracked under this mental asylum.

She quickly runs upstairs away from all this madness. I should follow her, but the police officer comes over to me. Probably to check out my scars.

Lian's POV

I should have known this was going to happen! I knew something wasn't right with Nellie. I should have been a better friend to her- to all the girls.

"Why did it have to be Nellie!" I shout to myself in the closet. It shouldn't have been Nellie. It should have been me. We all promised we were going to be there for each other, but we let these stupid people get in our way. They're killing us and themselves, by keeping us here.

I feel like if I stay with the guys I'm going to die, like Zayn, but Harriet and Nellie both left and now Nellie's dead, and Harriet was tortured.

"Let go of me, I'm fine!" I heard Harriet scream, "I don't know where their base is, let go of me!"

"Harriet, calm down!" Louis yelled over her.

"No!" she yelled, "I'm not going to calm down! Nellie is dead! Don't any of you realize that! Now let go of me!"

I thought this thing was supposed to help us

"Where's my daughter!?" I heard Nellies mom scream from downstairs.

"CALM THE FUCK DOWN!" Harry yelled and it went dead silent.

Not safe, this house is not safe.

Leaving is even deadlier.

Maybe if I stay here in this closet forever, everything will be fine.

Just fine.

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