Chapter 2: What Time Is It?

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Chapter 1:

What Time Is It?-High School Musical


Louise's POV

"Its almost summer, Harriet," I said greeting my best friend at our lockers.

"Yea...about that my mom's kinda making me do a Big Brother Big Sister thing," said Harriet.

"Well so is mine, and Nellie's and Zayna's and even Lian's," I told her truthfully.

"Nanny Any, seriously?" asked Harriet.

"Yea that's what I thought, it's insane," I said.

"I guess we've corrupted her," said Harriet.

"Go us!" I said highfiving her.

"Have you seen Zayna?" asked Harriet.

"How much do you want to bet she's still looking at the mirror in her locker, with her new summer do?" I asked.

"I doubt she already has her summer do," said Harriet, "but you're on."

We walked to Nellie and Zayna's lockers and saw Zayna with long wavy hair, as apposed to her usual longer and strait hair, fixing it that I could tell was annoying Nellie.

"It's fine Zayna you look great," I said scrunching her hair up.

"Stop it," shrieked Zayna fixing it earning me a little glare from Nellie.

"Hello," said Lian then taking one glance at Zayna fixing her hair furiously said, "Who messed up her hair?"

Everyone looked at me and I shrugged innocently.

I looked at the clock...2:34. 3 minutes. I snuck a glance at Harriet across the room who was looking at the clock like it would move faster if she stared at it long enough. Then I looked at Zayna who was gazing at the window. I mean summer vacation was starting in 3...wait 2 minutes, then we'd be free from this jail they call school. I looked at the clock. Then at the teacher who was showing us a movie on the civil war or something. I looked around at everyone, I'm so bored...nya.


The boy next to me screamed...he was an annoying type. The teacher glared at him as he ran out of the room and everyone else kinda folowed.

"What time is it?" sung Harriet.

"This is not high school musical girl," Zayna said.

"SUMMERTIME!" I scream/sung.

"This is not high school musical," said some guy standing next to us.

"I know's middle school musical" I said.

After going to our lockers and saying goodbye and that we'll see eachother with the whole Big Brother Big Sister thang we were on our seperate busses and making our ways home.

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