Chapter 20:

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Chapter 20


Liam's P.O.V










Gone. Forever.

Never to be found.

Forever in a state of pain. Mental or physical.




And it's all my fault.

I killed him.

I let her slip away.

I can't find her.

I can't save them.




And I couldn't do anything anymore.


Zayna's P.O.V


The flat was swarming with police. Because he was dead.

People were screaming at me, asking me what I saw.

Zayn's body.

Nothing. I wasn't there.

The sickening crunch.

I don't know.

The emptiness.

I don't care.

The pain.

And then, nothing.

Nothing but my own thoughts.

I could see people telling each other off. Getting angry.

I could feel their large hands, squeeze my frail shoulders. I could feel them shaking me.

I could feel it all.

Louise and Lian's mothers, pulling them close. Thankful it was us and not them.

The panic from my mother.

Harriers mother's tears.

Nellies mother's melancholy.

Niall breaking down in the door way.

Harry's hand, covers in blood and shards of glass.

Louis' angered tears.

Liam's mumbled words.

Harriet's worry.

Nellie's pain.

Zayn's emptiness.

This is what made me up, in that moment.

I was not feeling my pain, but everyone else's too. I wasn't broken, however.

I was in between drowning and swimming.

Falling and flying.

Sinking and soaring.

And I can't get up.


Nellie's P.O.V


Harriet is dead.

And where am I?

In a room.

With a bed! A real, functioning bed. I feel so sinful.

One of my best friends is dead and I'm just sitting here, feeling bad for myself.

The door opened. Alex and a taller guy, Marc possibly, waltzed in.

"What to do today. So many options." Possible Marc grinned.

I smiled too.

"Do you like the pain? do you want us to keep it up?" Alex teased.

I nodded my head. Knowing disagreeing just makes it worse. Alex pulled out a long blade and dragged it across my arm.

And do you want to know the scary part?

I enjoyed it.


Harry's P.O.V


Zayn and most likely Harriet and Nellie too.


Zayn, I'm sorry for everything that Liam has done to you.

Harriet, I'm sorry for everything I couldn't do for you.

Nellie, I'm sorry I never got to truly know you.

You will be missed.

And throughout all of this, know I will never to stop loving you guys.

And know I'm sorry.

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