Chapter 6: Good Time

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Chapter 6: 

 Good Time-Carly Ray Jepsen and Owl City


Harriet's POV

"You found WHAT?!" I exploded.

"Tickets to a party with the hottest celebs," said Nellie grinning.

"We're going, right?" asked Loise.

"I don't know, that is kinda what got us in here," said Lian.

"That was a high school party," said Zayna.

"We don't have anything nice to wear," said Lian.

"Give me scissors, a needle and some string and I'll turn drab to fab," I said.

"You're not letting up are you," said Lian.

"Nope," the rest of us said.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"The party's at eleven and it's eight," said Nellie.

"You guys got cute, nice skirts?" I asked.

"Yea," they all said.

"Hand over a shirt you want me to give a makeover," I said.

"OKAY!" they all yelled, including Lian, throwing a shirt at me.

"I get priority," I said grabbing a shirt of mine.

"Fine," everyone said.

"Okay so we have 3 hours and 5 shirts, then 35 minutes per shirt, time me," I said.

"Okay," said Nellie taking out her phone.

"Ready, Set, GO!" yelled Louise and I started with my shirt.  I made mine, origanaly a green and blue plaid button down, to a strapless and adorable shirt with a belt under the bust.

"Done!" I said finishing mine.

"28 minutes," said Nellie.

"Next!" I yelled and Loise, threw her's at me, a navy and white striped v-neck t-shirt.  I turned that into  a one shouldered tank top.

"Done!" I cried.

"Yay!" Louise said getting changed.

"So far your at a hour," said Nellie.  

"Next!" I yelled again and Zayna threw me her dark purple blazer looking shirt.  That became a low-rise, short sleeved jacket that I put a lilac mesh fabric flower on it.


"Hour, fifty," said Nellie tossing her plain royal blue, long sleeved scoop neck to me.  After a minute of deciding I made it into an off-the-shoulder short sleeved shirt with a dark purple belt used from the scrap of Zayna's shirt.


"2 hours and 26 minutes," said Nellie taking her shirt.  Then Lian handed me a plain blood red t-shirt.  I made that into a belly shirt with a trimming of scraps from Louise's shirt.  I told her to pair it with a white tank top.

"Almost 3 hours," said Nellie.

"Well, we need to be fashionably late," ZAyna said and we all got dressed or did hair or make up, etc.

We all paired the shirts with tight skirts, mine was black, Louise's was navy blue, Zayna's was lilac, Nellie's was purple and Lian's was white and we all looked really cute.  We couldn't really get heels so we did nice sandals.

"Let's go," said Louise with an adorable devilish grin.

"You gotta be sneaky BooBear," I said.

"Alway's Harreh," Loise said.

"Come on, aye," said Nellie.  (A/N We're sorry if this ever offends any Canadians, we will tone this down :D) 

We all sneakily sneaked down, sneakily and got out the door then walked out the door and went to the address on the invite following directions on Zayna's phone.

"We're here," Zayna said after half an hour.

"Tickets," said the man at the door.

"Go in," he said when we handed him the tickets.

"That was easy," whispered Louise.

"Now let's go," I said walking in seeing every star imaginable.  This is gonna be a good night.  

A/N: So we hope you like this chapter.  So basically we do mesh One Direction people and ourselves for example I don't know if Harry could design a shirt but I want to be a fashion designer when I grow up so Harriet can.  So yea.  We can't be TOTAL copies, that would be super creepy.

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