Chapter 16:

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Chapter 16:

Lian's POV

I can't believe how wrong everything is, since we got here. One Direction is not just ruining our lives, but we're also ruining theirs. Maybe this idea of us coming here wasn't a good idea at all. It seems like we grew further apart, and the only girls that didn't change were Zayna and I. At least Louise didn't rip off her bracelet...yet. Nellie and Harriet snapped their bracelets off, and we've all been pretty upset with each other at times, but it never got to the point where we literally broke the thing that kept us all together.

 But one thing I don't understand is why would Nellie change herself? I feel like I should know why, but I don't know. Maybe it's all the drama that's getting to her. It's starting to get to me too. That's why I'm back where Nellie and I started in the house, the closet. It's where we found the invites to that party. It's where everything started to go wrong.

Why would I be in a closet by myself? Why aren't I fixing all the problems that's going on? Aren't I Nanny Any?

Well, I can't fix what's going on and that's what's bothering me. I always thought it was going to last forever, our friendship, but reality had to ruin it.

So, what good am I doing in a closet?

I don't want to see anyone, especially Liam. Liam took my phone away because I went out with Danny anyway after he said no. I usually don't do stuff like this. I'm the responsible one out of the group!

I belong in a closet forever, never to see anyone again. I'm a failure to this group, life, and myself. I don't deserve to be called Nanny Any. 

"I'm a failure." I whisper to myself as I hug my knees tighter.

My warm tears trail down my face as I ferociously start to wipe them away.

There you go again! You always have to cry, don't you? You always have to feel bad for yourself.

I rock back and forth repeating the same words.

"You're such a failure." I angrily mutter under my breath.

The Nanny Any I'm suppose to be wouldn't be here crying for herself. She would be trying to fix everyone's problems.

Something so important hits me. I'm not Nanny Any,anymore! I'm just not strong enough or smart enough to be her.

I'm the failure of Any Direction! Everything is so clear now! I'm never going to be anything or do anything, so that name fits me perfectly!

"This closet is fit for a failure like me." I silently say to myself. 

"Home sweet home."

A/N: Hey guys! I just wanted to show that Lian isn't okay. She has problems of her own. I hope you like!

-Lian A.K.A Emily

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