Chapter 21

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It was 9pm and I was done with my shift. I walked into Owen's office.
"Dr.Shepherd," he said looking writing something down.
"How'd you know it was me?" I laughed.
"You don't knock," he laughed. I sat across from him.
"I'm tired," I laughed. He tossed me the keys.
"I'll be home soon," he said.
"Okay," I leaned across his desk and kissed him.
"Goodnight," I said. I closed his door and got changed and walked out the hospital doors. I felt my phone buzz.
O- Owen
A- Amelia
O: I love you
A: love you too
I found his truck and unlocked it.
"Amelia!" someone called.
"Yeah?" I turned around. I didn't see the car coming as I walked forward.
"Amelia!!!" they yelled. It was Maggie. The car hit me. I feel backwards. The car stopped. I was on the ground. I couldn't breathe. Someone got out. I had no idea who it was. I felt my eyes close. Someone got me in a stretcher. I didn't open my eyes. I'm in so much pain.
"Someone page ortho," someone said. I opened my eyes.
Someone burst into my office. It was April. She looked panicked.
"Amelia was hit by a car," she said fast.
"Where is she?" I got up.
"You can't work on her hospital policy," she said.
"I don't give a damn she's pregnant," I said moving past her.
"She's pregnant?" April said.
"Yes," I said running down the hall. I found her.
"Hunt out," Callie said.
"She's-" I began. Meredith looked up at me.
"I know, get out," she said.
Amelia was hit by a car. I don't think she'll need surgery. Her leg is a little banged up.
"Amelia can you hear me?" I said.
"Mer?" she said quietly.
"You're okay," I said.
"Okay Amelia I have to get ur knee back straight, it's going to hurt okay?" Callie said.
"Okay," she said looking at me. Callie pushed it straight. She screamed. Owen came in.
"Out!" I said to him.
"Mer," Amelia said.
"Yes?" I said.
"My baby," she said.
"She's pregnant?" Callie said, "grey why doesn't it say that in her chart."
"I'm taking care of it," I said.
"Okay," she said.
"Is my leg broken?" Amelia asked.
"No, it's just really bruised," Callie said.
"Okay," she said. Callie was done she left Arizona came in.
"I want Owen," she said to me.
"Okay I'll go get him," I said.
"Thank you," she said. I came back with Owen.
Owen came in. I reached my hand out to him. I tried to sit up.
"Ow," I said.
"What hurts?" He said.
"Leg," I said holding his hand tight.
"It's going to hurt," Mer said.
"Do you want to find out if it's a boy or girl?" Arizona said.
"Yes," I said. Mer stepped out.
"It's a boy!" Arizona said. I smiled at Owen.
"Derek," I said. I leaned in and kissed him. Arizona left and Mer and Maggie came back in.
"It's a boy," I smiled.
"Congrats!" They both said.
"Do you think I can walk?" I said.
"Amelia you were literally admitted 20 minutes ago," Mer said.
"So no?" I said.
"Take it easy," Maggie said.
"Fine," I sat back. I took Owens keys out of my pocket and tossed them at him.
"Thanks," he said.
"Can I get up please," I said.
"No rest," Owen said.
"Fine," I said. Owen kissed my head.
"Take it easy Amelia," he said in my ear. His pager went off. He sighed.
"911," he said.
"Go, go save some lives I'm okay," I said.
"I love you," he kissed me quick.
"Love you too," I said. He left and Maggie came in.
"Can I bend my leg?" I said looking at Mer.
"Sure," she said. I bent it. It hurt like hell.
"Ow, okay not a good idea," I said.
"And you wanted to walk," she said.
"So you were right," I laughed.
"Amelia you've been her for not even 30 minutes rest," Maggie laughed.
"How long do I have to be here," I said.
"A day probably," Maggie said.
"Ugh," I said.
"Amelia you were just hit by a car," Meredith said.
"I know but I'm fine!" I said.
"Amelia Shepherd you were just hit by a car you are not okay and you're staying here," Meredith said.
"I want to go home," I said.
"You can't," Maggie said.
"But I'm fine!" I said.
"If you can get up I'll discharge you," Meredith said.
"Deal," I said. I sat up and moved my leg over. It hurt so bad.
"You're going to hurt yourself stop," Meredith said.
"I'm not a baby I can do it," I said. I went to stand up and my leg hurt to much. I sat there and looked at her. I frowned.
"No discharge for you," she said. I laid back down.
"Being a patient sucks," I said.
"Can we get you anything?" Maggie said.
"Owen if that's possible," I said.
"Okay," she said. I looked at Mer.
"You could discharge me," I said.
"No," Mer said.
"I can walk!" I said.
"Amelia you couldn't even stand," she said.
"Watch me," I stood up. It hurt like hell. I took one step.
"Walking," I said. Bailey walked past.
"Shepherd what are you doing get back in bed," she said.
"I'm fine!" I called after her.
"Bed!" She yelled as she walked away.
"Ughhhhhh," I said. I sat down and Owen walked in. He pulled a chair up and kissed my cheek.
"How are you doing?" He said.
"I'm fine!" I said.
"No you're not," he said.
"I'm fine," I said as I kissed him.
"Are you tired?" He asked.
"Yes," I said.
"Get some sleep," he said.
"Stay here," I said.
"Okay," he said. I was exhausted. I held his hand and fell asleep.
I woke up and looked over at Owen. He was asleep on the chair. I grabbed my phone and Mer came in.
"Ssh," I said looking at Owen.
"I'm awake," Owen said.
"Morning honey," I said.
"Morning," he said getting up.
"I took the day off," he said.
"I have work," I said.
"You're not working," he said.
"Can I at least get a wheelchair?" I asked.
"I'll pull some strings," he said and kissed me.

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