Chapter 14

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I woke up to a page. I looked up at Owen, he was still asleep. It was 2am and I got dressed. I texted Mer and Maggie but they didn't answer. Nathan texted me.
N: did u get a page? Do u need a ride?
A: yeah thanks :)
N: no problem I'll be right over
I made a cup of coffee and threw my hair in a ponytail. I grabbed my keys and jacket and waited for Nathan. I saw his car pull up and I walked out to him. I opened his side door.
"Morning," he chuckled.
"Morning," I yawned.
"Tired much?" He laughed.
"Yeah," I leaned back and he drove us to the hospital.
"Owen let me drive you?" He questioned.
"Owens not up so Owen doesn't have to know," I looked at the window.
"Alright," he kept driving. He pulled in and I got out.
"Thanks," I said and smiled at him.
"Anytime Shepherd," he said. I ran in with him and saw Kepner.
"What do we have?" I said.
"Car accident, bed 4 needs a CT, and is booked in OR 2 for surgery if needed," she said.
"Okay," I said. I did a quick CT scan and there was a brain bleed. I rushed her up to OR 2 and scrubbed. I paged Edwards and I got right to work. This could easily be an 8 hour surgery, the bleed was really bad.
I finished the surgery and let Edwards close up. I had to check up on 2 patients and I had to finish a chart. I ran into Riggs. I gave him a small wave. I yawned.
"What do I make you yawn?" He laughed.
"No," I laughed.
I was almost 11. I walked down to the cafeteria and sat down with Maggie.
"Morning," I said.
"Morning, I've been here all night I'm so tired," she said.
"Can I talk to you about something?" I asked.
"Sure," she said.
"Nathan has given me a few rides to work and Owen doesn't seem okay with it," I frowned.
"Aw, Amelia you know why he doesn't like him," she said.
"Yeah I know," I said. My pager went off and I got up and ran to consult. I had to do 3 consults and I had 4 surgeries. 2 of them were really short and 1 I could bump to tomorrow. I clipped the 2 aneurysms and I got ready for my brain tumor surgery. I scrubbed and got to work.
I closed and scrubbed out. I had one more surgery. I had a nurse prep my last patient. I went to OR 4 and scrubbed again. This surgery was quick. Small tumor. Edwards scrubbed in next to me.
"Last surgery?" She asked.
"Yep," I said. The surgery went by quick. I scrubbed out and went to the attendings lounge. I laid on the couch. I heard the door open.
"Hey," Mer said. I turned my head and looked at her.
"Hi," I said sitting up.
"Nathan just asked me to move in with him," she said sitting down next to me.
"What did u say," I said.
"I said yes," she said nervously.
"Omg really!" I jumped up.
"Yes," she smiled.
"That's great!" I said. I got up and hugged her.
"Mer," I said seriously.
"Yeah," she said.
"I'm late," I said nervously.
"Oh my god Amelia!" She hugged me.

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