ch 21

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Yuka's POV

First, I was pleasently surprised, next I was happy, excited and slightly nervous. Then things got a little awkward...

While we were kissing, Kizami put his arms around my waists deeping the kiss making me put my hands behind his and continued kissing him. We kissed for awhile not knowing that we were still alone, heard someone their throat making us break the kiss.

"Dang Kizami get it on," a guy with long red hair wearing the same uniform like Kizami said.

He was leaning on the infirmry door admiring the kiss scene we just had while Kurosaki was peering inside seeing what was going on.

"So you're Yuka Mochida the girl that Kizami wants," the boy said.

"Yeah and who are you?" I asked.

"Kai Shimada, was a 11th grader at Byakudan Senior High School same as Kizami and the others," Kai said.

"Nice to meet you, hey Kurosaki," I waved to Kurosaki who was still outside waved back.

"Yeah anyways," Kai said walking in the room and stopped in front of me, looking at me with his light blue eyes.

"Damn you're cute, no wonder Kizami likes you I'm jealous," Kai said.

"Kai back off," Kizami said pulling me away from Kai, apparently Kizami and Kai didn't get along at all.

"Oh sorry she's yours, I'll lay off," Kai said backing away.

"Good, anways what you two doing here?" Kizami asked while putting his arms around me and pulling me closer. I was blushing but glad that no one saw it.

"Just checking up on you two to make sure you're both okay," said Kai.

"There must be a better explantion then that."

"Okay fine. The reason why we're here is well 4 people from a different school came running in from the second building screaming like crazy that someone was trying to kill them. So Mitsuki and Fukuroi had to bring them in to calm them down," Kai said.

"Did the say what school they're from," I asked.

"They said they were from Iwanohashi High School," Kurosaki said.

"I meet those people, are they okay?" I asked.

"They're fine it just the young girl is all scared and shaken up, so Tohko is calming her down," said Kurosaki.

"Is it alright we see them?" Kizami.

"I guess, if Yuka is feeling okay and is up for it,"

"Yeah I am," I said.

"Alright let's go," Kai said and walked out of the room and he was fast.

"Jezze he's fast," Kurosaki said.

"Can't blame him, let's go," said Kizami grabbing my hand and we walked out of the infirmiry catching up to Kai that went into the room that was 2-b.

"Yuka! Thank god you're okay," Ayame said hugging me when I walk into the room.

"Ayame you too, I'm glad you're okay," I said hugging Ayame back. At least she was okay and didn't have any injuries on her which was good thing.

I looked around the room to see that Ayame's oni-chan Naoko was in the room with Akarui and Nikkou they were also okay.

"Yuka are those people you meet in the second building?" Kizami asked whispered.

"Yeah they are," I whispered back.

"Yuka, thank god you're okay," Naoko said walking over to us.

"Naoko, yeah I'm fine, what about you?" I asked.

"I'm fine, I'm just glad we got away from Kira,"

"What happaned?" I asked.

"Well Kira came back and you weren't with her, we asked what happened to you. Instead of answering us, she went crazy and pulled a knife on us and tried to attack us,"

"but luckly Akarui hit her in the stomach and gave us the chance to run and came here,"

Naoko said.

"I feel horrible punching Kira in the stomach and leaving her there," Akarui said walking over to us.

"Akauri you had too, Kira was not the same when she attack us," Nikkou who came over put his hand on Akarui's shoulder but Akarui shooked it off.

"I know Kira well and she would never do that," Akauri said, "she probably saw something that made her paranoid."

"Really? Would Kira really do this to me and attack you guys?" I asked showing my right arm where Kira slashed me.

"I swear Kira would never do that, she never harm a fly and she's a sweet girl," Akauri said.

"Akauri get it through your head, that is not the Kira we know. That was a psycho Kira that tried to kill us," Nikkou said trying to reason Akarui. It didn't work.

"You know what forget this, I'm out of here," Akarui said. He got up from sitting and headed over to the door. Uhoh this isn't good.

"Akarui are you nuts?!" Nikkou explained.

Akarui didn't answer, he ignored us and walked out the door.

"Baka!" Nikkou yelled.

"Nikkou, go after him, get some sensed into him," Naoko said.

"O-okay," Nikkou said and walked out of the door going after Akarui, though I had a bad feeling those 2 weren't coming back alive...


Corpse Love (Corpse Party fan fiction) KizamixYukaWhere stories live. Discover now