authors note

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Hello everyone how is your lovely day going? Good :) anyways for when I get to the next chapter of this story I will be introducing new characters that belong to me. I can tell some of you are probably bored with my other ocs probably well that's why I'm going to introduce new characters in this book. I may make them evil who really don't give a crap of what people say or do kind of like Kizami but I'm making Kizami a really sweet guy out of this story who really cares about Yuka but Yuka really hates him so its gonna be a hard shipping of these two characters I love from the game but don't worry Yuka will fall in love with Kizami. I may do a character sheet on here that will probably explain my ocs of this ..zqbook so watch out for that anyways I will be going I will see you all later bye :)

Corpse Love (Corpse Party fan fiction) KizamixYukaWhere stories live. Discover now