ch 19

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Yuka's POV:

I woke up of something feeling warm around me, I felt like a soft, warm blanket was wrapped around me, but this blanket didn't seem.... blanket-y. It seemed more.... human... But I was comfortable- this human-blanket was the most comfortable thing I'd ever been in, actually! These arms that kept me warm made me feel completely safe and at home. I tried moving a little but winced in pain cause of my right arm. Oh right, Kira stabbed me when I ran to the door to the first building. I'm surprise I survived from the blood loss I thought I was going to die but I guess I was saved. I decided to open my eyes to see who was the person holding me, hoping it would be Riku but instead when I open my eyes I saw...

Kizami was the one who was holding me.

I screamed like bloodly murder and fell out of the bed slamming my right arm against the bed frame making it hurt since it was the one that got cut by Kira. My screaming and falling out of bed woke Kizami up and making him quickly get up and look around seeing if there were any dangers which I'm going to say he's the danger cause he tried to kill me in the past and kiddnaped me awhile. He look at me when I was on the floor.

"Yuka you're awake," Kizami said smiling sweetly which was weird cause usually his smile was crazy and wanted to murder someone.

"Y-You?! W-why the hell are y-you here?!" I screeched, moving away from my potential kidnapper/murderer..... Even though every other thing in my body was telling me to calm down and trust Kizami, even though he tried to kill me before.

"Yuka calm down and let me explain everything plus please trust me," Kizami said getting off the bed and walk over to me but crawled away from him.

"Get away from me!" I yelled

"Yuka please I'm not going to hurt you please trust me," Kizami said in a calming voice which I also never heard from him but it still makes me not trust him

"How? How can I trust you after everything happened in the past?" I asked glaring at him.

"Just please okay?" Kizami asked


"Thank you," Kizami said smiling which was kind of bothering me still.

"So tell me why I'm in here?" I asked.

"I found you by the door that lead to the second building and you were unconissus losing blood and I brought you here to get your arm treated," Kizami said pointing to my arm. I looked at my arm then back at Kizami.

"You did this?" I asked lifting my arm.

"Well Mitsuki a classmate of mine helped out," Kizami said.

"Oh. Wait how did you know I was by second wing door?" I asked cursiouly.

"Oh Yuki showed me where you with another chick who stabbed you."

When Kizami said that I was stabbed, memories came back to me, Kira and I were outside when I was light headed. We were going to go back inside but somehow the door was lock and we couldn't go back inside and regroup with the others. Then all of a sudden Kira turned around and had a knife which she pulled on me. I was slammed on the wall by her and had the knife on my throat, then I kneed Kira in the stomach and ran back into the first building and passed out from blood loss.

"That bitch I can't beilive she tried to kill me," I mummbled but Kizami heard me.

"Yeah who was that chick that you were with and tried to kill you?" Kizami asked.

"Why do you want to know?" I asked.

"Cause well I care about you," Kizami said.

Wait what? He cares about me? Last time I checked he tried to kill me in the past, so why would he care about me?

"Please Yuka tell me," Kizami pleaded.

"Okay first how did you know I was with that girl? Plus her name is Kira Hayashi," I said.

"Yuki told me well she showed me what was going on, now please can you tell me everything that happaned?" Kizami said.

"Fine," I sighed and told Kizami everything.


Corpse Love (Corpse Party fan fiction) KizamixYukaWhere stories live. Discover now