Chapter 1. Summer, hurry up?

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I'm walking down the narrow school corridor, dodging basketballs that are flying from all directions and flipped 7th years who think they're still in primary. I pass the popular ones, the orange-faced barbies that either have their mobiles glued to their ears or are loudly gossiping about their newest pair of Jimmy Choos. I pass the dorks, who are either sitting on the floor with their heads in their books or being slammed into the lockers by the bullies, also known as the Head Hammers. 

Thank God it's the last day before Summer break, I think.

Once I reach my locker I begin to take out my books and put them in my bag.

"Hey Brookie." I hear a familiar voice in my ear.

I turn around to meet those familiar green eyes of my best friend.

"Hey." I give him a weak smile and zip up my bag.

Harry takes the bag from me and slips it over his shoulder like it weighed like a feather.

"What's wrong?" he asks with concern. 

"Nothing." I say, but Harry isn't convinced by the way he keeps looking at me from the corner of his eye. 

"Is it about you and Dougie?" he asks quietly.

"No," I say quickly.

I'm angry that he brought it up but I know he's only worried.

"Why are you wearing my jumper? It's Summer." he asks.

"Because I like it... and I was cold this morning. So did you finish the joint French assignment?" I ask, changing the subject.

Harry looks at me with confusion.

"The one you promised you'd finish after you spent the whole lesson with Haydn, flicking small pieces of paper with elastic bands at Mrs. Yars."

"Ohhh, that assignment..." there's a long pause before he looks at me apologetically and shakes his head. 

"Great, thanks Harry."

"Sorry... Look, I'll say it's my fault." he says.

"But that doesn't make a difference because we had a class to do it together! This is like my whole grade for French, it's gone."

"Brookie, chill. It'll be fine."

But it wasn't fine.

"You had a whole class and 3 days to complete this!" Mrs. Yars shouts, her French accent seemed to be even thicker this morning; if that's even possible. I was expecting to get this reaction though.

"Madame Yars, it was my fault. Brooklyn completed most of the assignment in class, she gave the rest of it to me to finish but... I forgot."

Madame Yars raises her thick, bushy eyebrows at us and sighs deeply.

"Brooklyn, go sit down."

I sit in an empty seat at the front and take out my French book while Harry gets scolded at some more. Once the teacher's breathing gets back to normal, she says, "Mr. Styles, take a seat and we  shall continue this conversation after class."

Harry slumps down in a seat behind me.

I spend most of the class shielding myself from Madame Yars' constant spit flying in my direction.

Wow, she really does hate me.

I feel something hit the back of my head and as I turn around I see Harry smiling at me. He nods towards the floor and when I look, I see a crumpled up ball of paper on the floor. I bend down, pick it up and uncrumple it. On the paper, in Harry's messy handwriting is written:

Want to come over to mine after school and watch us practise? :) 

I look back at Harry, smile and nod.

Soon enough the bell rings and the class is dismissed except for Harry, who gets given a note from Madame Yars to his parents.

I instatly feel guilty when I see his face and wish I could've taken the blame instead of him.

I don't see Harry for the rest of the day as he has a day of badminton tournaments.

It's the end of school and I can safely say it's Summer break. I'm at the lockers when I hear a familiar voice calling me.

"Hey, Brooklyn!" 

I turn to someone who's now hugging me so tightly she's nearly choking me to death.

"Hayley. Please, let go."

"Oops, sorry!" she says, letting go and flicking her long, blonde hair over her shoulder. "I just haven't seen you all day! Want to come out shopping? I need to get a-"

"I'm going over to Harry's today." I say, slamming my locker shut and making my way out of school.

"Oh, okay." she says, looking disappointed.

"You can come if you want, Harry won't mind."

"Okay, cool." she says, "You know with the amount of time you spend with that boy gets me curious..."

"Hayley, he's my best friend." 


"I have a boyfriend."

That shuts her up.

Once me and Hayley leave the school building, I can see Harry leaning up the school gates along with Josh, Hayley's boyfriend and Haydn, Nick and Will, from Harry's band, White Eskimo. The boys are surrounded by about 6 girls, the pretty popular ones. Harry's always the one who gets the most attention.

When Harry sees me, he smiles and waves at me. The girls look back at me in disgust, as always. When Hayley sees Josh she runs up to him and jumps into his arms. Harry chuckles and shakes his head. 

"Can Hayley and Josh come too?" I ask.

He looks back at the boys, then Hayley, then back at me, "Uh, yeah sure." he says, scratching the back of his head.

"Bye Harry!" a tall blonde girl calls, waving at Harry.

"Bye." he says, waving awkardly. "So uh, ready to go?" He asks, holding out his arm for me. I smile up at him and we link arms and make our way to his house. 

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