Chapter 9: 'Permanent Ink'

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Permanent Ink

‘Emily! You’re official?!?! How did that happen? How did he ask you out?’

‘Mom, mom… calm down! I will answer all of your questions as soon as I get 2 feet into the house! Yes, we’re official, and it happened right after you texted me because I sort of asked him what was going on between us, and he asked me out. I said no to mess with him and then told him yes.’

My mom stood there speechless for a moment before a smile spread across her face and she did a sort of dance and clapped her hands.

‘I am so excited for you Emily! Your first boyfriend! Well, because that jerk Jason doesn’t count as one. This is just great. Did you ever ask how old he was?’

‘Oh yeah, he’s ugh, 19.’ I looked down at my shoes as I mumbled his age.

‘Well, I guess that isn’t too old, about two and half years older than you. So, I guess that will be okay!’ She was still smiling and I had a hard time not smiling back at her. ‘Do you really like him, honey?’

‘Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever liked a guy this much, or felt this comfortable around a guy. I don’t feel like he will ever down me, or make me feel like I’m not good enough for him. He just seems like an all around good guy.’

‘I’m glad that you like him. I am glad that you’re happy; just make sure you don’t take this too fast honey. You have your whole life to be with a guy and remember that a guy will tell you anything to try and get—‘

‘Mom, mom. That’s enough. It’s not like that between Daniel and I. I do not intend on letting it go that far anytime in the near future. I don’t need to talk about.’

‘I know. I just also know that sometimes you’re first boyfriend can make you feel all lovey dovey inside and I don’t want anything to be rushed. I know you’re smart though and you will make the right decisions.’

‘I try mom.’ With that I kissed her on the cheek and ran up the stairs to my room. I closed the door and got started on some homework that had to be done and had been neglected all weekend until now.

School the next day was torture and I couldn’t wait until lunch. I sat with Jessica, a girl that I usually sat with since we both kept to ourselves when we were at school. We didn’t feel the need to socialize with everyone else and we also didn’t have to keep up a conversation with one another and could spend our lunch in relative peace. I flinched away when Jason and his cronies walked by our table and ducked my head down to try and not draw attention to myself.

‘Emily, Emily, Emily. How have you been? I heard you’re seeing Daniel. Is that true?’ I looked up at Jason but didn’t meet his eyes.

‘I don’t see where that would be any of your business.’ I looked back down at my yogurt and felt as if I was going to be sick.

‘I think it is my business. I always like to warn people that they are receiving my seconds.’ With that Jason and his friends laughed and sounded like a bunch of donkeys. Which is kind of what they were?

‘You’re so funny, Jason. Why don’t you go pick on someone your own size though?’ I stirred my yogurt with my spoon and waited for him to leave.

‘Why don’t I go pick on Daniel then?’ The malice in his voice was obvious and I finally looked up at him.

‘He has absolutely nothing to do with this, and he didn’t do anything to you.’ I hissed through my teeth.

‘Oh no, are you mad? I guess he trains his whore’s now.’ He looked at me, a calculated smirk crossing his face.

‘I am in no way his… whore! Who are you to assume I’m a whore?’ I couldn’t help the anger I was feeling and knew my voice had risen an octave.

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