Chapter 16: 'When I Said I Wanted A Guy To Like Me, I Didn't Mean This'

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Pre-note! Yo! Yo! Yo! What it do? Hahaha. So, I am soooo thankful for all of my fans! You guys are great! I appreciate how much support i'm getting from you, and all this support really encourages me! So, on to the next chapter!

Daniel's P.O.V.

Too much time was passing by and I was afraid that we would never find Emily. I didn't know where Jason lived and so I had no idea if Davey was even taking us in the right direction. I was alreading having to put up with the guy and now I was having to trust what he was saying. God. I ran my hand through my hair and let out a huff of frustration. Why had this happened to her? The one girl I ever truly cared about. The one girl that ever really meant anything to me, and now she was gone. Taken from me just when I had fallen head over heels for her. This wasn't fair. I looked over at Davey and saw he looked just as upset as I did. Maybe he wasn't such a bad guy after all. He obviously cared about Emily a lot and anyone that cared about her couldn't be too bad of a person, right? I still didn't want to think that he could actually care for her because I didn't want to think that she could ever possibly choose him over me. He was right in some ways. He did have so much more to offer her than I did. But I loved her with every fiber of my being... And that had to count for something didn't it?

'How much longer til we get there?' I knew that Davey was getting upset with me for asking questions about where we were going or when we would be there, but I hated feeling helpless, like I wasn't helping to find Emily.

'About five more minutes,man. Calm down. I'm already going 15 miles over the speed limit. I'm suprised I haven't got pulled over.' As if we weren't already in a big enough hurry, we hear the sirens and see the blue lights almost immediatly after Davey says this.

'Crap. Spoke too soon.' Davey slowed down and pulled over on the side of the road and got out his license and registration to have ready. We both knew he was getting a ticket. The officer took his time getting out of his car and slowly sauntered up to Davey's car. Taking an impecciably long time. It was almost as if he was doing it on purpose. He tapped on Davey's window and he quickly rolled down his window sending a scowl the officers way.

'Were you aware you were going 17 miles over the speed limit?' I rolled my eyes and leaned my head against the head rest. Really, were we about to play this game?

'No sir. I wasn't aware.' The officer got a smug grin on his face that was quickly wiped away with Davey's next words. 'I was only aware that I was going 15 miles over the speed limit.' Davey's smile grew even more and I liked the guy a little more. Defying the law. Never expected that from him.

'Son, you want to reconsider that attitude?' The officer pulled out his pad acting like he was going to give us a ticket just because of Davey's attitude. Yeah, right. He was going to give us a ticket either way. It wouldn't have mattered if Davey had an attitude or not.

'Officer, we're kind of in a hurry. Think you can write the ticket you were going to give me all along so we can be on our way and you can be on yours?' Davey's smile was suspiciously nice and I knew he was about to get into some trouble if he didn't stop. Now.

'Why exactly are you in such a big hurry.' Oh my God. He was purposely keeping us here and further angering Davey. I decided it was my turn to cut in before Davey got us both locked up.

'Sir, my girlfriend has been missing since last night and we have an idea of who may have taken her. Considering that local authorities won't do anything until the person is missing for 48 hours, we decided to take it into our own hands.' I was making a stab at the cop but I was doing it respectfully. I could teach Davey a few things about that.

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