Chapter 18: 'Revelations'

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“You know, I used to search the sky and dream of where you were. I need you by my side, we can end this together. I know I promised you the world, and still I let you down. I need you by my side, and together we’ll end this now!”

Emily's P.O.V.

Chase pulled away from me and I quickly close my eyes and then open them to make it seem as if I had my eyes closed the whole time, so that he wouldn't be suspicious that I was hiding something. He smiled down at me and I was sure that he didn't suspect anything. It took all of my willpower not to dart my eyes behind him and see if that was really my jacket. I was pretty sure that it was but I wasn't completely sure of it, and I wanted to be completely sure so that I could possible access how big of a threat he was to me at the moment. If it was my jacket, which I was sure that it was, then that meant that he had been planning for months.... and had been able to get into my house without anyone noticing. So what else was he capable of if he could get into my house without leaving the slightest hint that he had been there? Without my parent's noticing anything? It scared me beyond belief but now was not the time to worry about that. I had bigger and more pressing things. Particularly the burly, center football player in front of me. 

My mind raced as I tried to process everything. He had just kissed me. Instead of feeling sick, like I knew I should have, I just felt numb and it didn't really bother me either way. Something was wrong, maybe it was just that all of this stress had finally gotten to me and I had went into shock. I wasn't thinking clearly obviously and I think that was what worried me the most... That I just didn't care. It didn't bother me too much though... considering I didn't really feel anything at the moment. 

'Emily. I love you.' His words took me by shock. I knew how I had to answer, but I didn't want to as I came to the startling realization that I had not even told Daniel that I loved him. But I knew at that moment that I did. I loved Daniel. There was no way that I didn't. I loved him. And I hadn't even got the chance to tell him before I had to then go and tell Chase, a guy I had no feelings for whatsoever, that I loved him. That's what hurt the most. That's what made me feel sick at the thought of the kiss. This realization.

'I... I love you too, Chase.' I hung my head, my hair falling into my eyes as I tried to look shy and bashful but it didn't help much as the tears started rolling down my cheeks. Before I knew it, I was full on sobbing. This was not how this all was supposed to be. This wasn't supposed to happen to me. I was the good girl. I wasn't the prettiest girl that always got kidnapped in the movies... I was just Emily Mozelt. I wasn't anything special. So why was this happening to me? I sobbed even harder as I thought of the way that Daniel held me and told me I was the most beautiful girl in the world. I didn't think it was true but maybe Daniel's love had made me beautiful and that's why other guys had begun to view me as beautiful.

Chase was wiping away the tears and giving me a half smile within a second. 

'Don't cry. What's wrong, babe?' I hated him calling me that. I hated him. Everything about him and I wanted nothing more than to scream that at him at the top of my lungs, but I held my tongue and my composure and did not do as such. 

'I just can't believe you love me. It just... makes me so.... so... happy.' I lied. I meant none of it and the numbness was beginning to return, crawling and curling up deep within my bones.

'Well,  it's true, Emily. And I'm going to do everything within my will to make you know and believe it without a doubt, because you're worth it! You're worth so much!' I hated his words. Hated him.

'I just. Can't believe it.' He smiled down at me and I wanted nothing more than to punch him in the face.

'Well believe it!’ He stood up and looked at me. ‘I have to go and take care of some things. I will be back soon though. Turn around.’ My mind raced as I tried to think of any possible reason that he would need me to turn around. I couldn’t breathe but I complied and did as he said. If I was going to die then I guess there was no reason to be afraid of him, right?

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