Chapter 30

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hello friends!! It would really mean a lot if you commented and voted on my new books, "Why" based off of the show Thirteen Reasons Why, so if you haven't read or watched that series, please watch before you read my book. Also, read 7,048 Miles, it's my new short story that I'm really proud of.

If you read "Why" or "7,048 Miles" & comment & vote on it, you will be entered in a contest in which I will:

Give you a shoutout, Sponsor one of your books you want noticed, & I'll give you an inside glimpse of my new Alex Karev story I'm starting, as well as the first chapter of "Mentor", an Arizona Robbins story.

Make sure you comment & vote for the stories listed! Once you do, you'll be entered!

Love about all else, Jamie.

Happy reading!


Secrets. We all have them, we have some so small sometimes they just slip out, or ones so big that it eats you up inside. They come in all shape or form. The funny thing is, you can choose how you view them. You could choose to mess up someone's life by keeping it, or you could be honest with yourself, and the person you are keeping it from. It's all up to you. - Jamie Bay


"This is ridiculous!" Jamie screams through the walls of the chiefs office, standing up in rage.

Miranda Bailey looks at the young woman with anger written all over her face, "Affected immediately. Get the hell out of my office, Dr. Avery-Bay."

Jamie looks at Miranda in shock, quickly grabbing her coat, storming out of her office. She quickly walks down the hall, into a vacant trauma room. Jamie paces back in forth, her hand rubbing against her forehead. Tears fill her eyes when she grabs a cart filled with surgical supplies, throwing it all over the floor.

Meredith Grey stands outside the trauma room Jamie is currently occupied in, watching her best friend go through an emotional break down. Dr. Shepherd and Maggie Pierce join alongside her, watching their friend breakdown in front of them.

"Should we be doing something?" Amelia questions, taking a sip of her coffee, continuing to watch Jamie drop to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably.

Meredith shakes her head, leaning her back against the window. She bites her bottom lip, closing her eyes at the sound of her friend crying.

"Meredith! She's going to break something! We need to stop her!" Maggie snaps, pointing out Jamie's bleeding hands. Meredith stands still, grabbing Maggie's arm gently.

"I told Bailey to fire her, Maggie." Meredith whispers in a harsh tone, rubbing her forehead as she looks at her sisters reactions.

"Why the hell would you do that? Does Jackson know?" Amelia whispers, pointing towards Jamie again.

"He doesn't know I told Bailey to fire her, no." Meredith takes a long breath, but continues speaking, "But he knows the reason I told Bailey too."

"What could be the reason for something this idiotic? This is her career, Mer!"

"Her father is in the hospital, Maggie. Stage 3 liver cancer. He wants Richard and I to perform surgery to try to get rid of it." Meredith answers, shaking her head before continuing on, "His one wish is for Jamie not to find out, and I can't tell her because of doctor-patient confidentiality."

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