Chapter 29

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"Sometimes are reason isn't what we say. We lie or we stretch the truth. We make up a scenario for our behavior to be acceptable and still hide our true intentions. To be ourselves, to be honest about what it is we want and how, it is too vulnerable; it opens up too many weak spots ready to be hurt."- Jackson Avery

This is set before last chapter.


"I should be gone for a couple of days, are you sure you'll be alright with taking care of her? Jamie has to be at the hospital the whole night, but I'm sure if you call her she will spare a few minutes." Jackson trailed on, stuffing paperwork in his bag as they drive to the airport where the 'Avery' private jet awaits.

Catherine Avery laughs, putting her hand lightly on his knee, "Oh honey, let grandma jump in. You and Jamie both need time away from being a parent. You deserve a little break." His mother says, pulling him closer and kissing his cheek lightly.

"Please watch Jamie for me too, alright? I hate that I'm leaving her behind too." Jackson mumbles, zipping up his backpack.

"I know baby, I know." Catherine mumbles while the car comes to a halt, Jackson sighing loudly before getting out. He looks up and notices a brunette standing next to the staircase, smiling big.

"You really think I would let your ass leave me?" Jamie shouts at her husband, giggling softly as Jackson runs up and kisses her nose softly.

"I thought Grey was coming with me?" Jackson mumbled, tucking Jamie's hair behind her ear.

"I wanted it to be a surprise, plus your mom suggested me coming." Jamie tells her husband as hs mom comes up next to the two, holding Abigal in her arms.

"Bye my baby girl, mommy loves you so much." Jamie whispers, kissing her daughter's head over and over again.

"Jamie, she will be fine, I promise." Jackson mumbles into his wives ear, before kissing Abby's cheek softly causing the toddler to giggle.

"Dada!" Abby shouts, causing Jamie's eyes to widen while Jackson grins from ear to ear.

"D-did she just speak?" Jamie asks shocked, covering her mouth holding back tears. Jackson nods his head, still leaning down to talk to Abby.

"Can you say Mama, Abbs?" Jackson asks while Jamie bends down, resting her chin on Jackson's shoulder.

"Mama?" Abby asks confused, while Jamie squeals with joy causing Jackson to laugh at his girls.

"Okay mom, we need to go, thank you again for watching her." Jackson grabs Jamie's shoulders, turning her towards the plane.

"Bye Abbs! Bye Catherine!" Jamie shouts while she hears Abby speak again, "Bye Mama!"


Once the couple arrived to the Avery Medical Center, Jamie stares at it in aw, looking over at her husband who had a frown on his face.

"Hey, are you okay babe?" Jamie questions him, cupping his face to comfort him. He slowly takes her hand in his, kissing it lightly.

"I'm glad I have you here, baby." Jackson says, kissing her passionately as Jamie grows with concern with his intermittent moods. She decides to ignore it, while Jackson leads her in the hospital.

"Ah! Dr. Avery and Dr. Grey!" A doctor runs up to the two, handing them both a chart while Jamie quickly glances through it.

"Dr. Corridan, this is actually my wife, Dr. Jamie Avery-Bay." Jackson introduces Jamie, causing her to smile and shake the older doctor's hand.

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