Chapter 5

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Grief. People deal with it in so many ways. Running away, screaming at the people who care and love you, even fighting. There's so many ways to handle it, but how would you handle it?

"Hey Dad, how are you feeling?" I ask him as I walk into his room. He is laying of his side as he stares blankly at the window.

"Your surgery went well, you can be discharged soon once your infection goes away, it may take a couple more days." I tell him as I look up. He still hasn't moved.

"Dad, please look at me, it's been a week since you've talked, since you were happy. Please Dad, I need you." I tell him as he blinks. He shifts so he looks at me slightly.

"You need me? You look so much like her, Jamie. Every time I look at you, I see her. It's hard for me to look at you, because it makes me miss her. I don't want you to be around me, you don't need to come check on me everyday. Leave me alone, get the hell out of here." My dad yell as I stand there shocked. I slowly close his chart and walk out of the door slowly.

I walk down the hall and I lean against the hallway wall. I bite my lip and just stare blankly at my shoes. I start to pace back and fourth as I hear Stephanie and Jo walk down the hall.

"Jamie, Derek let me remove an aneurism yesterday, it was so th-what's going on?"  Meredith asks as she walks over towards me.

"Not everything is about Derek, Meredith. Not everything is about surgery, not everything is about you! My dad doesn't even want me to be around him anymore and I lost my mom. Honestly, I don't know if Jackson can handle me anymore. I can't- I won't do this anymore, I gotta go." I yell at her as I stuff my hands in my lab coat pockets, quickly walking down the hall.
Jackson's POV

"Have you seen Jamie?" I run up to Meredith, asking. She closes her chart and turns towards me, putting her pen in her pocket.

"Not since she yelled at me this morning, she said she has to go?" She tells me confused. I scrunch up my eyebrows.

Meredith grabs her chart and starts walking down the hall. I quickly catch up to her pace.

"What do you mean she said she has to go? Did she say where?" I ask her as she shakes her head. Meredith hands her chart into the nurses station and smiles at the nurse. She turn towards me and sighs.

"You might want to check Joe's. Trust me, that's probably where she is. Knowing her, drinking is the closest thing she has to praying." Meredith tells me as she quickly walks away. I bang my hand against the counter as I sigh.
"Joe, what do you think about parents? I think they are great!" Jamie slurs as she throws her glass on the counter.

"Pour me another one my man." Jamie says as she makes a kissy face towards Joe. Joe looks over at me and sighs.

"She's been here for two hours and all she's been talking about is her parents, take her home." Joe says as Jamie turns her head towards me.

"It's my hot boyfriend!" Jamie scream as she stumbles over toward me. I grab her arms, making her balance up straight.

"Let's take you home, okay? Let me grab your coat." I tell her as she pouts.

"I don't want to!" She pouts as I grab her coat. She sits down on the stool.

"Jamie, come on, we are going home." I grab her hand and she immediately pulls it back.

"No, I'm staying here, here is where I want to stay. Here! Right freaking here!" She slurs as she falls on the floor. I sigh as I see her knocked out. I pick her up and wave to Joe.

"Thanks for the call, Joe." I wave to him as he nods. I walk out of the bar with her over my shoulder.
"Jackson? Is that you?" Jamie asks as she holds her head, sitting up in my bed. I sigh as I crawl over towards her.

"Hey, you doing alright?" I ask her as I rub her shoulder. She looks around and just blinks.

"Jackson, what happened? Everything is so..blank." Jamie says as she stares back at me. I sigh as I grab her hand.

"Jamie, you are hungover. Lay back down." I tell her as she sighs. She rubs her head once again and lays back down. I stand up and walk towards the door when I hear her start crying.

"Jackson, please don't leave me. Please?" She whimpers as I quickly walk over towards her, wrapping her in my arms. She snuggles into my chest as she starts crying more.

"Hey, I'm not going anywhere, shhh." I kiss her forehead lightly, as we move back and fourth. Her sobs eventually die down and we are left holding each other.

"Jackson, I can't lose you. I've been losing everyone this week, I can't lose you too." She tells me as I stroke her hair. I nod against her head.

"Jamie, you aren't going to lose me, okay? I love you." I tell her as she looks up at me.

"You mean that?" She whispers as I nod. She gives me a small smile before crashing her lips on to mine.

The kiss lasted the whole night, until morning appeared and we were both out the door in our street clothes. We walk into the hospital hand in hand as we quickly change in the attending lounge.

Jamie grabs my hand and pulls me into a patient room, but not just any patients room, her fathers room.

"Dad, I know you want nothing to do with me, but quite frankly I'm the only family you have left and I don't give a rats ass what you say to me anymore. This is my boyfriend, Jackson. He is a plastic surgeon, and he's a brilliant doctor. He's the one that has had my back, but dad, I want you to be a person I can go to when I need to talk about him, or anyone else! I love you dad, and this is me caring. I loss my mom, and you loss the love of your life this week. I can't imagine a world without Jackson, so I get where you are coming from, but you can't kick me to the curb and hope for the best. I love you, dad." Jamie tells him as he turn towards her.

Her father looks my way and looks back at Jamie.

"Jackson, is it? Do you mind telling me how you got a girl like her?" Her father jokes as Jamie laughs while tears fall down.

I smile big as I nod.

"Well, you see sir..."

And with the power of love, griefs ass got kicked to the curb where it belongs.

I hope you liked! I started school & I had a writers block! Tell me what you think!!

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