Chapter 21

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"The ties that bind us are sometimes impossible to explain. Some bonds defy distance, and time, and logic; because some ties are simply.. meant to be." - Meredith Grey

Jamie's POV

Ever since I became a doctor, I haven't experienced being 'the family' of the patient. I haven't sat in the lobby, twiddling my fingers and hoping everything is going to be okay.

As I pace back and fourth, trying to think about the positive, I can't help but thinking that this is all my fault. In just a year my whole world has changed. Derek died, Meredith left, I gave birth, I got married, and then she came back.

"Jamie?" I hear my name being called as I watched Alex walk into the lobby, sitting down in one of the uncomfortable chairs. I bite my lip in panic, before I take a seat next to him.

"She's dead isn't she? Oh god, why didn't I help her soon-" I start sobbing as Alex cuts me off.

"She isn't dead, Bay. She's in recovery. Jamie, she's alive." Alex laughs at the last statement, as a few tears fall from his cheeks. I smile lightly at him, grabbing ahold of his hand.

"How are you doing? Did you get a head CT?" Alex continues, as he looks up at my bandaged forehead. I chuckle at him.

"Jackson wouldn't leave my side until I got one, it came back all clear, thank god. I don't know how many times I've been in that CT, but it always feels a bit smaller." I tell him truthfully as he sighs, nodding his head.

"He really cares about you, you know. Everybody can tell. You really need to stop getting hurt all the damn time, Jamie. It's going to push him over the edge." Alex tells me as I sigh.

"That's one of the many reasons why I love him. I feel like I'm so fragile, I'm going to break everything and everyone in my path. I broke my friendship with Meredith, George died, my mom died, who else is going to die? Jackson? Meredith? Abby? I'm so scared, Alex. Everything I care about leaves me and I don't want to go through that again." I start crying as Alex lets me sob on his shoulder. He rubs my back, comforting me friendly.

"Jamie? Babe, what's wrong?" I hear Jackson say as my head is moved onto my husband's shoulder. I can feel Jackson rub my back, trying to get me to calm down.

Jackson and Alex start mumbling why I was crying, and finally I let my eyes rest, falling asleep on Jackson's shoulder.
"Jamie.." I hear someone whisper as my eyes slowly open. As I adjust to the lighting, and blink a few times, I look up at Jackson who is rubbing my back, smiling down at me.

"How long have I been asleep?" I ask him as I rub my neck, yawning wide. He chuckles, as I give him a small smile back.

"Around 6 hours, I took you to the on-call room so I could go check on Abby, who's doing fine. We ate some food, and then she insisted on watching basketball, which I gladly accepted. I brought you some coffee." Jackson smiles cheekily as I laugh at him, grabbing the coffee out of his hands.

"You can't force our daughter into watching basketball, Jackson. I'm glad she's doing fine, she's at daycare, right?" I ask my husband as he nods, smiling down at me. I scrunch my eyebrows together, getting confused.

"Why do you keep smiling at me? Are you high?" I joke as he chuckles grabbing my hand. He sits down next to me on the on-call rooms bed.

"Meredith's awake, do you want to see her?" Jackson grabs my hand, as I smile lightly, nodding my head. He pulls me up, before leading the way to Meredith's patient room.
"Damn it Meredith.." I mumble under my breath as I look at my best friend, seeing her badly injured. I wince in sympathetic pain when I see her stir in bed.

"Meredith.." I whisper as she opens her eyes, quickly adjusting to the scene around her. She looks towards me with her eyes filled with fear.

"Meredith, you're fine. You're alive. I was so scared Meredith, I was so scared I would lose you. I'm such an idiot, I'm so sorry for being pissed for the dumbest reason. I was just scared. I've already lost two people I cared and loved for, I couldn't handle myself if I lost you too." I wipe my tears quickly away, grabbing ahold of Meredith's hand, smiling lightly at her. Meredith still looks at me with a blank stare, acting like she didn't hear anything I just said.

"Seriously? You're giving me the silent treatment? Very mature, Mer, very mature." I drop her hand, and cross my arms as I lean back in the hospital chair, staring at her. She looks over at Jackson, moving her hand as she points toward her ears.

"Jackson? What's she signaling? Is she okay?" I panic as I stand up quickly, looking at Jackson in panic. He looks back at me, then at a nurse.

"Will you please escort my wife to the daycare? I'm sure Abby would love the company, Jamie." He looks at me carefully, as I glare at him. What the hell?

"You know I won't leave her side-" I get cut off from my yelling by Jackson.

"I forgot to give Abby her blanket. You know, the one that she can't sleep without? It's in the back of our car, go get it Jamie, and give it to her. The nurses in daycare are probably stressed to the max trying to put her to sleep." Jackson tells me, as he gives me a look, telling me everything is going to be alright.


"Jamie, GO!" Jackson snaps as I quickly blink, looking in between Jackson and Meredith. I turn quickly on my heel, walking out of her room.
"She's upstairs." Jamie heard Meredith whisper as Jamie packs her bags quickly, fuming with anger.

"Jamie, we need to talk." Jackson storms into Jamie's room, clearly angry about something. Jamie noticed the way he was acting, but she didn't give a damn.

"Want to yell at me for hooking up with a random guy at Joe's again? Jackson, save it, I don't care anymore." Jamie keeps packing her suitcase, not looking up from her bag.

"Why did you do it? Is it because I'm with Stephanie?"

"Oh for the love of God, Jackson, it's not about you! For once in my life, it's not because of you!"

"Really? Then why are you packing? Jamie, this is dumb. You keep sleeping with random guys. Hell, in all the time I've known you, you've never had a serious boyfriend." Jackson snaps loudly as Jamie finally looks up at the boy, glaring at him.

"That is not true and you and I both know it. I dated Harry for a good 3 months. You know, the guy from psych?" Jamie snaps, as Jackson scoffs.

"Oh okay, because having a relationship based on sex counts, my bad. Why are you so scared?" Jackson shouts as Jamie shuts her mouth, blinking a few times.

"Just let me pack Jackson, I'm going to go live with my sister in New York. I'll find a new job there."

"Jamie, stop. Just talk to me. You're my best friend. My favorite person. Why can't you look me in the eye?"

"Because you're right, I am scared. The person I loved died. He just died. I never got to tell him that I loved him too, so much. I'm scared because if I love someone again, I'll lose them. Are you happy now? You got what you wanted. Why I am so damn scared to look at you in the eyes, because I'm afraid I'll fall in love with you, and then you'll jump in front of a bus and die. Just like George. So please, just let me leave." Jamie quickly wipes her tears, as Jackson remains still. He quickly looks at the girl, before wrapping him in her arms.

"I'm not going anywhere Jamie, don't be afraid anymore, okay?"

Jamie didn't reply, she just nodded her head, snuggling in deeper into the boy's arms.
So, I think you can tell I'm having a writers block. But, I have an idea for the next chapter, so bare with me! Also, sorry for not updating. School is getting hectic right now, but I'm out in 9 days!! Yay! That means lots of more updates!

See you guys soon.

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