Chapter 18

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A huge shoutout to all the fans of this book, you guys are the reason I am still writing. Also, 14K reads?? That's crazy! I love you all, and I promise I'm not stopping this book anytime soon ❤️

Sorry for not updating, I got writers block!

This is a huge chapter for Meredith and Jamie. Things will start heating up.
Abigail Marie Avery was born on January 26th 2015. Honestly, that day was the best day of Jackson's and Jamie's life. That's the day they became a family. Jackson also realized that day that Jamie has had the opportunity to leave several times, but she never did. He always knew Jamie was the type of person to drop everything and run, like what Meredith did to her. He realized she loves him, more than he will ever know.

Jackson's POV

It has been a week since Abigail has been born, and it's been the best week I have had. You never know what it means to be a parent until your child wraps it's tiny hand around your finger. I learned that when it happened to me, as well as watching many reruns of Friends because Jamie is on bed rest.

"It's weird how just 8 and a half months ago we just conceived her." Jamie mumbled to me one afternoon, as she stroked Abigail's cheek. I smile down at my beautiful daughter as I kiss Jamie's forehead.

"These past few months have been hell, Jamie. I know you know that, but I'm so thankful you never gave up on me. Thank you for that." I tell her as she bites her lip, looking up at me.

"There were times I wanted to. I wanted to go look for Meredith, but I didn't. You made me stay, and I'm so thankful for that. Thank you." Jamie smiles lightly at me before turning her attention to Abby.

"I love you two so much." I whisper in her ear as she nods her head.

"We love you too."
Jamie's POV

"Welcome home!" Everybody shouted when Jackson and I walked into our apartment. I smiled in aw at all the posters hanging around the living room.

"Aw, you guys, you shouldn't have done this!" I smiled as Arizona and Amelia rushed over to Abigail and admiring her. Jackson looked up at Alex and Owen and greeted them with handshakes.

"Look how cute you are!" Callie squealed as she picks up Abby, waking her up from her sleep. I groaned as Abby started crying loudly.

"Here, I got it." Jackson takes Abby from Callie, as he rocks her lightly in his arms. I smile at the sight, before turning my attention towards Meredith.

Meredith never learned when to give up on leaving me alone now, but some how she had no problem leaving me alone for 8 months. I wasn't overreacting I thought, because it hurt so much knowing someone was so open minded about walking out on her best friends life.

"What are you doing here?" I mumbled at Meredith as she held a fake smile on her face, handing me a present. I take it from her, as I throw it down on the dining room table.

"Are you really that angry with me, Jamie?" Meredith snaps as I roll my eyes at her in disbelief.

"No Meredith, I'm more than angry, I'm hurt, I'm infuriated, I'm lost. All because of you. You left me alone, when I needed you the most. I GET THAT DEREK DIED. I GET IT, BUT THIS IS WHAT YOU DO MEREDITH! YOU LEAVE EVERYBODY AND EVERYTHING! YOU DONT GIVE A TINY RATS ASS ABOUT HOW I FEEL, OR HOW ALEX FEELS. YOU EVEN MISSED YOUR HUSBANDS FUNERAL! I HAD TO TELL THE WHOLE AUDIENCE THAT I WAS SORRY THAT HIS OWN WIFE DID NOT SHOW UP!" I tried so hard to calm down, but my blood was boiling. All the emotions I have been feeling since she left is coming out, all at once.

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