Chapter 25

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"Sometimes you need to let go. Even if it's the hardest thing you could ever do, sometimes you need to if it's the easiest thing. That's just how life works. Life throws you curve balls with many possibilities that are hard and easy, but you determine what you take out of those possibilities."
Nobody's POV

"How are things going for you, Jamie?" The therapist asks as Jamie silently sips her water, while Jackson has his hand on her thigh.

"It's going good, no more dreams. I think I'm doing alright." Jamie tells her doctor while she plasters a smile on her face. Jackson kisses her cheek, knowing she's uncomfortable.

"Dr. Avery, anything you would like to add?" The therapist asks her patients husband as he smiles lightly. Jackson looks at Jamie before sighing lightly.

"I have found her some nights sleep walking. It takes a while to wake her up, but when I do..." Jackson sighs and smiles lightly "..she's fine." He finishes his sentence as Jamie squeezes his hand.

"Mrs. Bay-"

"It's actually Mrs. Avery-Bay now. I got it changed yesterday. I needed a change." Jamie corrects as Jackson looks at her with big eyes.

"I thought you said you don't like having a first name as a last?" Jackson questions his wife as she smiles softly.

"Changed my mind. Is that okay?" Jamie asks as Jackson chuckles, but nods lightly.

"Of course sweetheart, of course it's okay." He responds, kissing her quickly.

"Well I see you've made progress, Jamie, but I have some concerns I'd like to discuss with you.."
"Number 1, I want you to go back to work."

"Try talking my husband into letting me, and we got a deal." Jamie says as her therapist smirks.

"Bay, we have an incoming trauma! Plane crashed in the middle of the city. So far there's 13 casualties, we don't need anymore!" Owen yells as Jamie quickly finishes examining her patient, nodding her head.

"Okay we need those trauma rooms clear, page plastics, general, neuro, cardio, and peds! We don't know what we are dealing with!" Jamie shouts as she removes her gloves and quickly runs to put her tablet down.

"You ready Bay?" Owen asks as she nods her head smiling.

"Born ready, Chief." She replies as she grabs her trauma gown, having Owen tie it for her.

"It's good to have you back."

"It feels good, sir." Jamie mumbled as she hears sirens coming close.

"I was paged?" Jackson ask as he runs up to his wife and Owen.

"Trauma coming in, plane crash in the middle of the city." Jamie answers as Jackson raises his eyebrows, turning towards Owen.

"Is Abby in daycare babe?" Jackson questions his wife as he raises his eyebrows more.

"Yes, now go deal with your patients. Love you!" Jamie shouts as she runs outside going to meet the ambulance.

"Dr Hunt!" Jackson calls, grabbing Owen's attention.


"Keep a close eye on her today please?" Jackson asks, smiling lightly.

"Of course, of course Jackson. You didn't even have to ask." Owen says as he smiles thinking about Jamie. Owen loves Jamie.

"Thank you." Jackson says, before walking toward his patients. Jackson loves Jamie more, though.
"Number 2, fix the wrongs you made."

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