Chapter 11

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Healing is a process everybody goes through. Yes, it sucks. But, you're on the road to being normal again. Sometimes, you rush it, and sometimes the people that say "it's better to take your time, rather than rush through it" are the people to listen to in life. Honey, rushing is a dangerous path.

Jamie's POV

"Patient Jamie Bay, 32 years old, post-op Neurological case. VP is stable, last round of medications was two hours ago." One of my interns tells Miranda as I take a sip of my water.

"It's good to see you're putting my interns to use, Dr. Bailey, they sure as hell need it." I joke as she chuckles at my response.

"Well, we need them to be well prepared for when you are back in charge of them." Dr Bailey tells me as I nod my head slowly, my sarcastic mood going away.

"I wanted to check on my favorite patient before I got back to the ER." Dr Hunt rushes in, as I try to sit up more.

"Doctor Hunt, just the person I wanted to see, how's the ER doing? Is it packed? Is it slow-oh who am I kidding, the ER is never slow." I ramble on as Doctor Hunt laughs at my statement.

"It's the usual, Bay. Well, not usual because you aren't down there. Speaking of which, when do you plan on coming back? With the baby and your recover, maybe you should take an early leave of absence?" Dr Hunt offers as my eyes widen.

"Sir, with all do respect, I'll work until this baby falls out of me." I tell him as he looks at me shocked. Why is that even surprising to him?

"Bay, don't you want to consider this more? I mean, you do have to talk to Dr Avery about this decision too." Doctor Hunt tells me as I take a deep breath in.

"Talk to me about what exactly?" Jackson asks as I quickly look at him. Oh great.

"I'll let you two discuss this matter. Glad to see you're okay, Bay." Owen kisses my cheek friendly as he quickly shakes Jackson's hand, walking out of my room.

"I want to start working again. I'm feeling so much better, Jackson. Look! I can stand up! I'm good." I tell him as he grabs my hand, shaking his head. I tense up.

"Jamie, I love you and everything, but that's probably the stupidest idea I have heard from you. You just had surgery a week ago! You're not even at full function yet." Jackson snaps as I roll my eyes.

"I'm gonna be able to kick your ass, Avery. Watch me. You don't get to boss me around." I yell as he glares at me.

"Jamie, you're carrying our baby. Not just yours! Mine too! I get to boss you around about your health when you make the wrong choice!" Jackson gets up and turns around, putting his hands to his scuff.

"You know what Jackson, fine. You get your way, hey, want to tie me up and hold a gun to my head as well?" I yell as he turns around, furious.

"I can't even believe you're joking about that! YOU COULDVE DIED! YOU DID DIE, BUT YOURE HERE, WITH ME! I COULDVE DIED! Why would you joke about something like that? I can't even look at you right now." Jackson snaps as he storms out of the patient room.

I watch the way he walked out as I sit up, putting my slippers on. I start tearing up, but I fight the tears as I grab the walker, walking my way out of my room.
Jackson's POV

"She thinks she knows everything, about how to live her life, when she hardly knows how close to death she was." I rant to Mark as we reattach an ear on an Infant.

"You know, you sound like an overprotective husband." Mark jokes as I look more fascinated into the stitches.

"H-husband? What?" I gulp as Mark looks up, staring at me with shock in his eyes.

"You're planning on purposing, aren't you?" Mark ask as I slowly look up at him, with guilt written on my face.

"Avery, this is a big step in a mans life. You should do it today! I'll be out of town next week, so do it today." Mark orders as I laugh, backing up a bit.

"Dr Sloan, I left the ring in my locker. Plus, I don't think she's even considering marrying me. We've been dating for 7 months! That's crazy." I explain as he laughs at me.

"Jackson, grow some balls man. She's the best thing that has ever happened to you, plus you have a little one coming along. Don't you want to make it official that you're a family?" Mark points out as I stare blankly at my feet.

"I mean, I guess I do. I want her to know that I'm always here. You know what Sloan, you're right. I should do it. Plus, it's Christmas Eve! It's the best Christmas present." I tell him as I smile through my face mask.

"Well what are you doing standing around? I'll page Karev to help finish up. I never liked that basterd, but he does a stitch pretty well. Go Jackson, go get her." Mark tells me as I quickly run out, ripping off my surgical suit.

"Page Meredith Grey and Christina Yang, tell them it's a 911." I tell the nurse at the nurses station as she nods her head, picking up the phone.
"Everything is set. All we have to do now, is bring Jamie in." Christina informs everyone in on the plan as we sit around the cafeteria table.

"Even the flowers? How the hell did you get them here that fast?" April asks as she takes a bite of her salad. Typical.

"I have my dumb interns go out to the store and get them. Saves me the trouble." Christina shrugs as Meredith slaps her arm, laughing.

"You need to go see everything, Jackson. You'd love it." April tells me as I smile lightly. I nod my head, and say goodbye as I throw my lunch away.

I walk down the hallway with the ring in my hand, into the supply closet where Jamie and I first kissed, the night everything changed.

I walk in and I'm startled to see someone so beautiful standing in the closet.

"J-Jackson. What the hell is this?" Jamie asks me, turning around shocked.

"What the hell are you doing here? You aren't suppose to be up and abouts!" I snap as she glares at me.

"Hey, you know after we fight I come here! This is our place! This is my hiding spot. What the hell is going on, Avery. Why are there flowers everywhere? And two glasses of milk- wait milk?" She rambles on as I drop to my knee. She quits talking and covers her mouth in 'aw'.

"Jamie Bay, you have changed my life for the best. You are someone that believes in me when I don't believe in myself. I see you, in the future, pushing our children on their bicycles, pushing them to do their best in school. You put peoples needs before your own. Well, now it's time I put your needs before mine, because Jamie I'm so in love with you. I'm in love with all the little things you do, I love how you always have to do your hair the night before we go somewhere. You have this obsession with fuzzy socks, always having to wear them, but Jamie I can go on and on about you. I love you, and I want a marriage. I want you, and our little baby to be an official family. So, will you please marry me?" I ask her as she lets tears fall. I wipe them off as she wheels closely to me.

"Jackson, yes! Of course I will. You won me over after you mentioned fuzzy socks." She jokes as she kisses me passionately.

We break away, as I put the ring on her ring finger. She looks at it quickly, before looking at me.

"You know what would make this Christmas better? Scrubbing in on your facial reconstruction tomorrow." Jamie smiles as I give her a glare.

"We aren't done with that discussion yet." I tell her sternly as she pouts.

"Damn it." She says before she kisses me lightly again.
Merry Christmas guys!

Thank you so much for sticking with this story! It means the world.

You guys are the best readers out there, I hope you had a great holiday! I'll try to update before New Years!

Merry Christmas!

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