Standing There

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Connor walked away leaving me alone standing outside our classroom. He grinned, like he knew what he had done to me. Like he felt good for doing it.

            “It’s not a big deal” I muttered to myself “It isn’t”

And my mind answered “Then why does it bother you?” and I really didn’t know what to think. So I just stood there with a numb body.

That morning took ages to pass by. As soon as I got home I locked myself in my room and took off my clothes. I couldn’t be bothered to put clothes on, so I just laid in my bed with my phone and headphones. I don’t remember falling asleep but I got awaken by my moaning belly and my phone buzzing. 

I got up instantly. It was a text message from Brad “Hey, I was just wondering you’d want to hang out with me and a few friends tomorrow? I think you’ll like what we have to show you x” There was an address attached to it.

I was numb. In the first place, he wanted to hang out with me. On a second hand I was hurting and for some reason seeing him didn’t make me feel good, just anxious. And I thought if it’d be worth the pain, or whatever was going on with my hormones. But I had nothing else to lose, so I decided to go.

It was fairly nice outside so I decided to walk to whatever the place Brad wanted me to meet them was. I left a note to my mum on her laptop before I left so she wouldn’t worry about me going out after what happened to my sister (again).

A tall blonde guy, Tristan he said (for a person with no friends I suck at remembering names and faces), opened the door of a big house surrounded by absolute nothing. The walk there was way longer than expected and I was exhausted.

            “It’s nice to see you again” He said, letting me in and smiling at me “they’re at the room in the back, it’s not hard to find. I need to get some stuff, I’ll meet you there.”

I smiled back and thanked him. It actually felt good knowing that I had someone to be with. Even though I didn’t know them, but it still felt nice.

Brad was sitting on a couch with two guys, and one of them was Connor. I should have known he’d be there with him. Of course he was there. But anyway, Bradley smirked and I looked away in disguise. It was like having an arrow shot at my body over and over again.

Then I noticed where we were. It was studio. Yeah, definitely a studio. There was loads of guitars and a piano and drums at the back of the room and a few mics and mic stands. Brad, Connor and the unknown tall guy with light hair were now standing in front of me and I found it hard to not yell at Connor for looking at me with his I-know-we-hate-eachother-and-that-I-will-make-your-life-a-living-hell-even-though-you-kind-of-find-me-cute face.

            “I’m James, by the way.” Said the unknown guy breaking the silence. Why do all of Brads mates have such cute smiles. “I don’t think we’ve ever met?”

Tristan walked in the room with a camera and a tripod. “Yeah, enough of chatting, let’s get to the point” all the boys laughed. Oh, okay.

And James started explaining everything whilst Brad stood next to me quietly. He didn’t seem to be good himself but it was none of my business so I ignored him.

            “So, see, we’re kind of making a band and we need some female opinion other than Tristan’s mum and little sister.” I barely met him but something about James tells me that he’s the one who does the talking out of the four. And he never stopped smiling. Ever.

            “Well, that sounds fun.” I tried to seem as interested as I could. I was, though, but my mind was off and it was really hard to keep myself focused on what they were saying. “Do you have a name or something?”

            “Yeah” James run his fingers through his hair and smiled at the ground. “We’re The Vamps. And I play the guitar, Tris is the drummer, Brad is the lead singer and Connor is the bassist.”

Why wasn’t I surprised.

They asked me to sit on the couch and watch them performing. They covered a Justin Bieber mash-up and I’ve got to admit that they were pretty good. Brads voice really suited it to be honest. I stood up when they were done and applauded, and they looked pretty happy with themselves.

            “I have to say that you’re 10x better than any other cover band that I’ve ever listened to.” I say trying to make it as real as possible because I really meant it. Brad chuckled.

            “Well, good, because we’re going to post this on YouTube and it’d suck if we sucked.”

            “Wait, you are a YouTube band? How come I never heard of you before?”

This time James replied. This kid likes to talk.

            “That’s because we’re a work in project”

Then they explained how and who started the band and how it was the first cover Connor was in and how this guy named Dean (funny how it was my sisters boyfriend name and I thought it was him at first and how Connor told me to shut up) was going to be there in 1h to help them recording the video, editing and posting it on YouTube. They also said I could stay if I wanted to, but I decided not to and told them that I was a bit “sick”. And Bradley offered to walk me home if I stayed for a while. And I snapped that I didn't need his help to find my own way back home and stormed out before I could say goodbye to the other boys.

I don’t know why I do this things. Seriously, I don’t. It’s like there’s a disconnection between my head and my body and mouth and anything works like it is supposed to.

Not going to lie, I kind of expected Brad to run after me and to ask me what’s wrong so I could scream at his face and tell him how much I dislike him even though I don’t, and that he doesn’t matter to me even though I think he kind of does. But I’m glad he didn’t because he doesn’t deserve it, it isn’t his fault that I’m a hormonal piece of crap.

Ironic how it took me a long time to figure out my way back home. My mum asked me what was wrong and Beth made fun of my hair being all messed up by the wind and how that is why I should never wear my hair down on windy days. It was 8pm when I went to bed. I figured that being a twat to everyone wouldn’t make me feel any better, so sleeping should keep me away from hurting any more people.

At 11:30pm I heard the noise of something hitting glass, and then something buzzed on my night stand and everything felt like the night Connor somehow got in my room.

I got up as silently as I could just in case, you know, he was there again. I had a text message from Brad and my heart raced. My phone was being a complete asshole and it took it way too long to open it. I don’t know if it was the fact that someone might be inside my house or that Brad texted me that made me feel so anxious.

            “please come to your window”

Something hit my window in that right moment and I suppressed a scream. I do as he says and I open my window and look down.

He was standing in my small front yard in the pouring rain with his wet dark hair and clothes dripping.

            “I need to talk to you, please let me in.”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2014 ⏰

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