Diving deeper

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It felt like we were sitting there for hours. Now that my tears faded my brain started to work again a million thoughts went through my mind. All the fear I had came back and I got anxious from the thought of having to sleep at my bed that night. No one was going to be there comforting me and making me feel better. And what was Connor capable of after all?

And why did I collapsed in a classroom full of people? Why was I crying on a strangers’ lap? How did he know all that stuff about Connor’s behaviour in the first place?

Finally I decided to sit on my own, too embarrassed to look at Brad. I noticed I was shivering. It was freezing there.

“I should go home…” I tried to get up but then realised it could be too risky. My knees were shivering like crazy.

“Ok, let me tell Aria we’re leaving and I’ll be right back. Wait here.” I tried to stop him but he had already shut the door behind him. A minute later he was back and he was carrying my backpack on his shoulder.

“I can go home by myself, you know.” I got up (and nearly fell) as Brad handed me my coat.

“I seriously doubt that.” He giggled when I rolled my eyes. “And you have to tell me what’s going on anyway. Maybe I can help you.”

            No, he couldn’t. We knew that. The only way he could help me was by being really close friends with Connor, and I don’t see that happen. I shouldn’t thrust him, we just met and honestly, I don’t trust anyone, especially boys.   

“Are you coming or not? I was hoping to get home before midnight.” Brad started walking away and I followed him.

No word was said until we were out of the school field. The wind was getting harsh, messing Brad’s dark curly hair. He broke the silence with his rough voice.

“This is the time you tell me about Connor.” He slowed down. I had to take a deep breath and prepare myself emotionally to make sure I wouldn’t break into tears again.

“It’s nothing, he just scared me.” And I was terrified. Maybe I should have mention that, maybe not. Brad nodded.

“You must have done something.” Brad looked sorry. I looked at him not knowing what to say. We kept walking as I sorted my mind out.

“Not sure what…” I gasped, gaining all the courage to tell him. He looked like he was a nice guy and he got how I was feeling, and damn I needed to tell someone about this. But Connor told him something. How could I be sure I could trust him? I took a deep breath again. “He teased me and I slapped him. Then I got detention and I had to get into glee club, not knowing he was there already… After I auditioned he threatened me to leave the club and not telling anyone about him. I might have hurt him on the balls and ran away.” Brad laughed. “and last night he came into my room at 4am. He said if I told anyone about all this I would regret it.”

Brad looked normal, like he heard stuff like that every day. A thought went through my mind: maybe he does…

“He said everyone was making comments on you and him. The group he usually hangs out with said some shit about you together and he heard them. Everybody is making fun of him and he can’t tolerate that.” Brad gasped. “Honestly I think there’s something bigger than that, he just won’t tell me.”

            That was the worst excuse ever, even for Connor. I heard a couple of people commenting, but it wasn’t that big. If he was really trying to be one of those brain-less guys, he was getting there. Big steps. But Brad heard it from Connor’s mouth, no one told him. He knew about everything already and most likely would tell him everything I said.

“Why did he told you that? Are you two friends?” I asked. Brad smiled. His cheeky smile comforted me as much as it scared me.

“I’ve known him since I can remember. We’re neighbours and used to be really good friends, but high school changed him.” The smile faded way and he looked at the ground. “He used to be so different. We still talk but nothing’s the same.”

            I knew how he was feeling; I’ve been there. But I was the one isolating and avoiding everybody. I felt like I should say something but I just couldn’t. We kept on walking.

“Listen, I’ll talk to him. I can’t promise you anything.” He gasped and smiled at me again.

  “NO! What if he hurts you?! I just told you everything about him and that group!” I stopped walking and he turned at me. My voice went high pitched and he laugh at it. Twat.

“You’re forgetting that I’m in that group too. Connor’s not violent, he won’t hurt me.” He checked the clock on his wrist. “Shit, we’ve been walking around for 30 minutes. Where do you live?”

Turns out we went past my house for about 5 times. When we got there he walked me to the front door.

“We’re here.” I needed to say something nicer. He just spent a big amount of his time taking care of me. Some words would be nice. “Thank you… for everything. And sorry.”

“Don’t worry, it’s ok.” He smirked. “Well, see you tomorrow I guess…”

He turned back and something went through my mind.

“WAIT!” He turned at me. “Can I ask you something?


“Do you want to come with me to this stupid party? I promised my sister I would go with her so she can get out. Mum problems. It would be sad if I was there all by myself…”

“I don’t see why not.” Brad giggled. “If that’s the party I think it is, Connor talked about it last week. Apparently he’s dating this university girl and she’s throwing that party. Is that ok for you?”

            My heart stopped beating for a second. Poor girl.

            I nodded.

“Let’s just establish this: it is not a date. Ok?” He giggled again and nodded. Then he left taking all the safety feeling away with him.


I walked away. It was getting dark and I had to walk way too many blocks to get home. I turned the corner of the street, not being able to see Chloe’s house anymore. I put my hand in my pocket trying to find my phone. When I got it I dialled a phone number a let it ring for a few seconds. A slightly rough voice answered the phone.


“Hey Con, we need to talk.”

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