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My whole body was sore from all the dancing and running around but I have to admit it; I had the time of my life.

            Even though Connor’s presence wasn’t the most enjoyable experience I could ask for, the end of the night didn’t go as bad as I thought it would. Bradley and Connor chatted during the whole time as I tried my best not to fall asleep (nor to fall and hit the damn cold hard ground). They dropped me at my house and I rushed upstairs and (literally) jumped on my bed. I fell asleep right in the moment my eyelids closed.

“Uhm, Hi… Hello. I just called to ask if Beth is there?” Mum waited for the answer on the other line and sighed as she heard the answer, looking over to me as I walk in the kitchen.

            Beth went missing. Nobody heard of her nor saw her since the party and mum was extremely worried about her; again. “Oh but what if she’s pissed drunk somewhere? What if someone takes advantage of her condition to do something to her?”

            Nah, I know she’s ok. She’s just way too embarrassed to look me in the eyes after knowing I saw what I saw the night before. She was probably just trying to clean up her mess.

            Mum placed the phone on the kitchen counter and walked up to me.

“Chloe, if you know something about what might have happened to your sister last night please tell me.” Oh, not again.

“Mum I told you everything I know. The last time I saw her was when we arrived to the party” I was a terrible liar. “I’m sorry. She’ll be back soon, she always is.”

            And I was right. Beth came home while we were having dinner and said she just had a sleepover at one of her friends’, not a big deal. Ah, right.

            Weather was weirdly nice on Monday. Everyone was sitting on the school field when I got to college that morning and I immediately saw Brad sitting with Connor.

            Seriously, how is he everywhere.

            I would rather avoid them. Connor didn’t even make an effort to not look like he’s planning my death. I mean, not literally, I hope. But I had to grow some balls and give his jacket back.

“Good morning, Brad” He looked over at me and smiled. Why the hell was he wearing a bandana.

“Hello, Chloe.” I just noticed how red his face was. Was he blushing?

            Then this was followed by an awkward silence when I admired how pretty Brad is. His brownish eyes and his dark messy curly hair matched perfectly his personality. And the way he smiles with his eyes and oh god, his perfect smile. He was really hot to be honest. I mean, fucking hot. I sighed loudly. What a perfect human being.

            Someone interrupted my fantasy. Brad was laughing at me and I just blushed. I was definitely not used to, I mean, this.

“I’m sorry to interrupt this little cute moment but I don’t wanna miss class and I kind of need my jacket and my friend back, please.” Oh right, Connor.

Jesus fucking Christ, what a cock block.  

“Whatever. See you later.”

            I handed him the jacket and walked away. I still got a last glimpse of Brad’s smile.


            And why was he in my head. Literally all I had in my mind during all that day classes was Bradley Simpson and I had no idea why and how to stop it. I really think we would be great friends, but with Connor getting in the middle of us it would just make things weird.

            I mean, it’s not like I care anyway.

            And they’re boys. Brad’s a boy, as far as I know. I’ve never been friends with boys before and it felt pretty weird.

            All I knew was that I wanted to be in his presence. Maybe all day. Everyday. Till the end of my time.

            So I kinda (thought about) stalked him on lunch break.


            I needed to stop. It was getting way too ridiculous.

            I ended up staying inside next to my locker, trying to keep Bradley out of my mind. But eventually he found me. Thanks, dude. Much appreciated.

            Oh, and he brought company.

“Hiiii haven’t seen you in a while.” He smiled.

            But his dimples.

            He’s too much.

I mouthed a shy “Hello” as I felt my cheeks turning red.

“Alright, so, about the other night…” Brad continued. “Ya know, about your sister. And that guy. ON A BED.” He was making weird gestures with his hands and nearly slapped Connor who was right behind him. That would be fun to see.

            Wow, talking about my sister. This sounds familiar.

            I closed my locker and laid my back on it so I could face Brad and Connor.

“What about her?”

            This time Connor replied.

“Dean’s one of my mates. I can’t just see his girl cheating on him and not tell him.”

            Mates. Right.

“And what do I have to do with it?” He looked so annoyed at my ignorance and it was quite funny.

“Since she’s YOUR sister, it’s kind of your business whether to let me tell him about it or not. And you were there.”

            Duh, so was Brad.

“Can’t we just ignore it? All three of us. Just pretend like we didn’t even see her there.”

“I honestly have nothing to do with this so yeah it’s fine for me.” Brad laid his back on the set of lockers next to me.

“As much as I would love to tell everyone how much of a slut Beth is, I agree.” It’s not like anyone knew it already.

            I noticed how hard Connor was trying not to laugh.

“Fine. We never saw anything.”

“Right. We were too busy running away from the cops.”

            Connor placed his hands in his pockets trying to find something on his jacket. “I could swear I had a Starbucks card here somewhere.”

            OHhhh that might be my fault.

            I put my best Luna Lovegood impersonation and quoted “I suspect the Nargles are behind it.”

            Connor looked down at me and I saw a little shy smile growing in his face. He was trying so hard not to smile again. He actually looked cute for once, not like that Connor version I met one week before.

            He got the Harry Potter reference.

            While Brad just looked rather confused at us. Definitely didn’t get it.

            All that Brad magic I felt before faded away for moments.

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