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That only last a second.

"Get off! What the fuck was that?!"

He looked at my scared eyes and smiled. My whole body was hurting from the impact. We were alone there and Aria was way too far. I could scream but no one would hear. He made more pressure on my arms and now I could only slightly move my legs. Out of sudden his face turned serious.

"You can’t tell anyone about this shit, ok? About the group. And oh, stalking me won’t make me like you. Girls like you and your “I hate you” games, nah… I don’t like that." He winked. Ew. "So, I suggest you to leave the group. What do you say?"

"Like I would waste my time on someone like you. Boys like you make me sick."

I meant it, and he got the message.

"How can you say that if you never tried?" A cheeky stupid smile appeared on his face.

I tried to release myself and slap him again, but he hold my body even harder against the wall.

"You can’t slap me now. Bitch got owned."

"Fuck you, Ball."

"You don’t need to be that violent, Alves. I won’t hurt you."

"Hey, do you want to have kids someday?" He looked at me confused.

"Don’t you need some kind of relationship going on to discuss something like that?"

"Good, then you won’t need this afterwards."

I bended my right knee and hit him with it right in the middle of his legs, uh, you know. He released me right away and a high scream of pain came from his throat. As he bended on the ground I ran away. Like he could get me now.

"See you at rehearsal tomorrow, Ball. And oh, better luck next time."  


It was already dinner time when I got home. The weather was nice and I stopped by the park on my way home. I opened the door and walked to the bottom of the stairs to leave my backpack there. Usually by that time Beth is out at her “friend’s” and my mom is working, but the living rooms lights were on and I heard a rough voice whispering. I made my best not to make a noise, but the wooden floor cracked below my feet and the voice stopped talking for a second.

"I’ll try to make it but my mom is mad at me for not sleeping at home the other day. I’m so tired of this crap." Beth was at the phone. I wasn’t supposed to be listening, but why would she be right there at the living room talking on the phone? I had the right to hear. "No, NO! Wait! I have a plan. What if my sister goes? She’s a bit ugh but I could get her a date or something. I bet my mom wouldn’t even care about me going with her… poor girl." She laughed ironically. "Don’t worry, Dean won’t be there. I’m all yours."

The front door’s lock wiggled and my mom walked in with a smile on her face.

"How was your day, sweetie? Is Beth here? How went that thing at school?"

"It was ok, I got in. I just arrived, haven’t seen Beth yet."

Right as I spoke Beth walked out the living room and gave me a fake smile.

"Dean told me you got in. Congrats lil’ sister! Someone from that group told him today."

"Great." I returned the fake smile.

"We should commemorate. What about ordering some pizza?"

I sat on my bed with my laptop on my lap and plugged my earphones in. Ed was playing on replay. Beth was planning doing something my mom didn’t allow her to do, and that included cheating on Dean and dragging me with her there. I won’t go, but only the image of Beth getting caught almost made me change my mind.

It was getting cold and I laid down on my bed. The rain started to fall and was knocking on my window. That was relaxing and I was about to fall asleep as my phone shake on my bedside table. It was a text from an unknown number.

“If I were you I wouldn’t sleep tonight.”

I was too tired to care or text back, falling right asleep.


 I was dreaming. There was a water fountain in the middle of a park full of flowers and trees. The sky was bright blue and naked, with no clouds. I was slightly shorter than my normal height and a man was bending to hand me a vanilla ice cream with melted chocolate on top. Then he hugged me and said something in a different language. I couldn’t see his face but I knew who he was. I was happy.

Suddenly the dream changed. The floor was shacking and the man wasn’t there anymore. Everything went black. Was it an earth wake? I felt my body preparing to leave the dream when something touched my arm. At first I thought it was part of the dream, but then something covered my mouth and whispered on my ear.

“Don’t scream, please.”

I stopped breathing and my whole body froze as my heart stopped. My hands searched for the light button by the bed as the bed side lamp went on. The slightly yellow weak light revealed a pale face. I was choked and scared. Ball was there sitting on my bed on the middle of the night, his hands still covering my mouth and holding my arm. He gasped before speaking in a rough voice.

"I said you were messing with the wrong guy. You wouldn’t believe me…" I was petrified looking at his hand too scared to look him in the eyes but still I felt his gaze on me. "… and now you get this."

My body nervously shacked and my words were stuck in my throat. His big hand relieved my mouth and I found the guts to talk. My voice sounded weak.

"What the fuck are you doing here? H-How did you get in?"

He smiled and looked at the door. I managed to look at the clock. It was nearly 4 p.m. I sat on my bed, waiting for an answer.

"Maybe you should tell your sister to close the back door after she comes home in the middle of the night." He was whispering, lowering his voice at each word. My body violently shacked. If he knew those things maybe other people did too. "You don’t need to be afraid, as long as you play by my rules."

The fear was taking over but I swallowed it. Connor’s face was getting darker as he sat at the bottom of the bed, frightening me with his death glare. My voice sounded rusty, almost as a whisper while I talked.

"Why? What have I done to you?" The only thing I actually liked in him were his eyes, but now I found myself avoiding the scary looks he gave me. "Sorry for the slap and that thing in the balls earlier."

I lifted my shaky hands to protect my arms from the cold air floating around us. He noticed them.

"Whatever, just don’t do any of it anymore, and shut your mouth. If I hear you told somebody about the group and all this you’ll be regretting it until your last day alive."

He got up as he gave me another deadly look. First time I actually miss his stupid flirty smiles. Then he turned back to me and I shivered. Avoiding looking into his eyes only made it worse. The wooden floor cracked bellow his moving foots and I felt his presence by my side. Next his lips were slightly touching my left ear and my heart raced.

"See you tomorrow, baby."

And then he left the room.

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