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Next morning I got up a lot earlier than usual. Every time I tried to sleep Connor’s voice whispering on my ear made me have nightmares and only got worse when I realised that I would have to face him every day at school.  Also the thought of him getting inside my house in the middle of the night with everyone sleeping made my body violently shivering throughout dawn.

Beth was sitting at the kitchen’s counter and the tough of her being the one letting the door opened come to my mind. I was mad and worried at the same time. But how did Connor found out about the door?

"Where did you go last night?"

Beth looked like a little girl’s birthday cake, wearing all that make-up. She looked surprised and bite her lip for a second.

"I was sleeping."

"Oh, then who left the back door opened? I checked before going to my room, sis." She looked at the back yard’s door and then at the bottom of the stairs anxiously. "I won’t tell mom as long as you lock the door for now on."

Her eyes smiled for a second and I could tell that was starting being amusing for her.

"Why? Are you afraid of the wild monsters living outside?" She got up and picked her mug with a hand, relaying her back at the counter so we could be front-to-front. "But if that’s so important to you… what do I gain with it?"

I had to think a lot about it before replying, willing not to make me even more troubled. You have to be careful when you deal with Beth.

"I’ll go with you to that party." She was confused. "You should be more careful with your calls, it could have been mom."

I grabbed a piece of fruit and run out the door. The sky was grey and rain started to fall, getting my jeans and coat wet. Thanks a lot, Britain.

I got to school right in time for my first class hoping the end of the day arrived quickly, and then I noticed that would mean spending one hour with him. I succeeded at avoiding him for the whole morning. After lunch I checked my schedule and my heart stopped beating. It was history time a.k.a. another full hour with Connor. Just what I needed. I took a deep breath and walked in the room.  

His usual seat was empty. “Maybe he’ll miss class”. I sat on my seat and looked down at the book as the teacher called the roll, stopping at Connor’s name. Some people looked at me and I made my best not to blush and ignore them, failing completely. We had four classes to finish the work and I knew I had to do it by myself. I wouldn’t fail because of him.

Someone knocked on the door and the teacher gasped before answering loudly “Come in”. He wasn’t smiling, or giving flirty looks at the teacher or some random girl. He didn’t even apologised for being late, walking right to his seat and seating.

"Pair’s work, Mr Ball" she looked at me as she spoke. "and be more careful this time."

He pulled his chair to my desk ignoring everyone looking at us as I forced myself to breath. I felt even more scared than the night before. He took his phone from his pocked and hid it behind his case. My hand lifted the page I had written for the work and he looked at it for a second, saying something like “Cool” and giving it back.

As the time went by my heart went back to normal and I was a little bit calmer. He didn’t look at me the whole class. When the bell rang he got up and walked out the door. I gasped. Maybe having to be with him every day at glee club wouldn’t be that terrifying.

Aria was waiting for me outside my last class classroom and walked with me to our room.

"This last weeks and days are random, we do what so ever we feel like. But it includes singing, dancing or playing, obviously. If you want you can make a solo performance. Don’t be shy."

"I don’t feel like it today. Maybe another time." She nodded.

 We walked to the room without saying a word. She stopped in front of a door that had ‘Choir’ written on paper and tapped to the door’s wood. Aria opened the door for me and then shut it when she got inside. She patted me on the back and pointed to the chairs in front of a big white board, where the group was sitting. I sat and she stepped to the front of the room.

"Are we all here?"

I looked around nervously and gasped when my eyes didn’t spot Ball. Aria did the same. A dark curly haired boy was sitting next to me and I noticed he was looking at me. I looked away in disguise.

"Oh, it’s Wednesday today. I get it." Aria pulled a chair and sat in front of us.

I was still confused. What if Connor gave up on the glee club because I knew about him now? There were about 10 other people who knew about it too. That made no sense. Aria was talking about something and the whole group but me was listening. The chair next to me moved closer to mine and a rough voice whispered on my ear.

"Connor never comes on Wednesday or Friday. You’re safe on those days." I looked at the curly haired guy. His brown eyes were looking for some kind of reaction in mine but those words only made me even more confused. "I’m Brad, by the way."

I guess it would be impolite not replying but my words were having a rough time getting out of my mouth. He knew something.

Why would you think I’m not safe with Ball around? – My voice went high pitched as my lungs tried to inhale and my heart started beating twice as fast. Brad moved slightly away like he was scared he bruised me.

"I-I mean, we both know how Connor can be harsh sometimes… and you aren’t properly the best friends. Am I right?!" He moved closer as my breath went normal again. His big brown eyes looked deeply into mine looking for an answer. I nodded and he released a shy smile. "And the slap… you’re a legend now, you know. No one ever stoop up to him."

I smiled too. He was right again. He gasped.

"He talked about you yesterday while you were performing."

I felt my face burning.

"That doesn’t make me happy at all." We both looked away. Aria was still talking to the group and she looked like she didn’t mind us.

"You wouldn’t be happy to hear what he said." I felt his gaze back on my face. "Sometimes he scares me, you know. The things he says and the stuff he does. He can’t stand loosing." He moved on his chair, getting me nervous. – I’m worried about what he might do to you, you know.

Little did he know he already did something. I moved nervously avoiding his eyes and trying to look normal. My voice broke while speaking.

"I can take care of myself."

I looked down and started playing with my nails. I always do that when I’m trying to hide something.

"Chloe, did he do something to you?!" Brad’s voice went too loud and now half of the group were looking at us.

I wanted to say yes, to tell him everything, to unburden. I wanted someone to care and to understand me but what if Connor found out I told someone? He would revenge us and it wasn’t Brad’s fault. My eyes started watering and my sigh was blurry. I was actually scared of what Ball was capable of when he gets mad.

My lungs were madly searching for oxygen as my body started to shake again. Tears started to roll down my cheeks and I covered my face with my hands. I felt Brad’s gaze on me. I didn’t even had to tell him, my reaction spoke for itself.

I was sobbing and barely breathing. I heard Brad’s voice asking Aria to take me out of the room as he hold my hand and guided me. Then he closed the door and made me seat on the hallway’s floor. Luckily no one was there.

Brad sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulders and pulling me down so I laid on the floor, letting my head rest on his lap. He tried to comfort me by petting my hair but my tears only got worse. Then he just gave up on petting and started singing to me. He was humming ‘Wake Me Up’ by Ed. My breath slowed down but the tears were still falling. And then he whispered with his calm voice.

"You’ll be ok." He gasped. "I promise."

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