16. Sexy Teacher

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Castiel pov

"Hey, Castiel!" I turn around to see Claire, my new friend from college. We have few classes together but we became good friends really fast.

"Hello, Claire." I smile at the blonde girl running towards me. "Have your classes finished?"

"No, I have history left." She smirks at me and I look at her confused. "I know yours are finished, wanna join me in history?"

"So you could ramble about how perfect and hot teacher is?" I roll my eyes but smirk. After one month being friends with Claire I still don't know if she talks about my Dean or the other hot history teacher.

"So you comin'?" Claire raised her eyebrow and I shrug and nod.

"Yeah, maybe I can drool over sexy teacher too." I chuckle and follow Claire to the auditorium where history class should start in like five minutes.

We sat in the back of auditorium and I watched as seats were filled with students. No free seats left. Wow, people here either love history, either history teacher.

As the man walk into the room, my heart skipped a beat. People here definitely gather to just look at his perfect face. My perfect Greek God. I felt tiny jealousy pang in me but brushed it of as I felt my phone buzz.

Dee: One more lecture and we can go home x

Cas: Look up ;)

Dee: ???

Dean looked up and scanned the crowd. Our eyes locked and I smirked and waved to him to which he just chuckled and waved back.

Dee: What are you doing here?

Cas: Friend dragged me here so she could ramble how cool and sexy you are :D

Cas: btw I love you more than she does.

Dee: I know x

"Hello, class." Dean said rather loud and everyone silenced and waited for him to start the lesson.

Dean, or Mr. Winchester as everyone calls him here,started talking about Roman empire or something like that but I paid more attention to how Dean was talking, how hot he looked with his shirt's sleeves rolled up, how his kissable lips moved and how he chuckled at stupid comments from students.

"Cas?" I heard Claire nudge me and turned to look at her. "What did he say about the army of Romans?"

"I don't know." I shrug and sigh looking at Dean. "I wasn't listening." I confess.

"Are you fantasizing about my history teacher?" Claire gasps and I roll my eyes.

"Yeah." I sigh and hear Claire gasp one more time before barely holding her squeal of I don't even know what, excitement maybe?

The following hour pasted really fast due to Dean talking interesting, with a few jokes here and there, he was doing what he loved and I smiled at the thought of him being so happy.

"Oh and don't forget about the assignment for the next week!" Dean shouted as students started to walk out of the class. "And have fun on the weekend!"

"Let's go." Claire grabbed my hand and started to go down the stairs of the auditorium towards front and towards Dean - ekhm teacher.

"What can I help you?" Dean looked at Claire and leaned his back on the table. Damn he looks so hot. Dean glanced at me and smirked. "Hi, Cas."

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