10. Ditching School

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Castiel pov

First thing I feel after I wake up is someone's arms around me and their body pressed to my back.


Last night's events flash in my head and I smile to myself. I open my eyes and grab my phone from the nightstand beside the bed. It's 6:34 AM. School starts at 9 AM. That means I can have a little bit more of sleep. Or not since Dean started to stir and groan.

"Dean?" I whisper in hope he's not sleeping anymore.

"Mornin' Cas." His deep morning voice sent shivers down my spine. He hugged me tighter and nuzzled his head into crook of my neck. I felt his hot breath on my skin. It's weird but nice at the same time. I feel safe in his arms.

"How did you sleep?" I ask with a little smile on my lips. I receive muffled sounds from Dean and chuckle. He's cute when sleepy.

We lay like that for a while and stay silent. It was comfrotable silence. But someone had to break it. And that someone was Dean. "Hey, Cas?" I don't say anything just give him sound of that I'm listening. "You wanna talk about what happened yesterday?" I should have known that he would want to talk about it.

"It happens sometimes." I whisper, too afraid to talk louder in case someone will hear us. "I just got into a heated argument with my parents and broke down." I bite my lip to stop myself from crying. "I was three months clean. And now I did it again..."

"Hey, shhh." I was facing Dean now and he was watching me with those perfect green eyes. Green was always my favourite colour. "Everything will be okay." He whispered while cupping my face with his large hands. "Just promise me you'll never do it again."

I bite the inside of my cheek. I don't want to lie to him and say I won't do it again. "I don't know."

"Cas, it hurts me as much as it hurts you." I frown at his words. What is he talking about? "I feel your pain. Literally."

"That is impossible." I shake my head in confusion. I sat down in bed and Dean did the same. "I don't... I don't understand what you want to tell me."

"There's around hundred couples all around the world who can feel each others pain." Dean rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. "And it happens that we are one of those couples."

"I've never heard about that." I brush my hand through the hair and look at Dean. "Are you disappointed?"

"What?" Dean shakes his head and takes my hands in his. "I was shocked, yes. But never disappointed. I mean, we already are friends and you're cute."

I feel blush coming to my face and hear Dean chuckle.

"I need to get ready for school." I let go of Dean's hands that were still holding mine and stand up. "And you probably should, too."

I walk into my closet and grab random jeans, T-shirt and oversized sweater. When I turn around I see Dean still sitting on my bed. "I'm too lazy to go to those three classes I have today, so let's ditch school today." Dean smirks and I just shake my head. He stands up from my bed and and starts to tie his shoes. "Just pretend it's a normal morning, get ready, say bye to your parents. I'll be waiting in my car for you."

Before I can say something Dean is already climbing out of the window. I change my clothes and go to the bathroom. I brush my teeth and style my hair. I feel a little itching on my arm.

Don't scratch the scars. Don't scratch. Just don't, Cas.

I walk out of the bathroom and go to my art studio. It smells of fresh paint and maybe I should open a window. I find pack of cigarettes and lighter and go to an open window. I light one cigarette and take a drag in hope it will stop itching as it always does.

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