5. Sammy..?

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Dean pov

I walked into the class and went straight to the back of the room and sat down next to my best friend Charlie.

"Hey Deany." She smiled at me and I waved at her. "How's life?"

"I'm tired and feel like shit." I mumble. I cross my arms on the table and lay my head on them to rest. "I was doing that stupid history assignment almost whole night and slept only four fuckin' hours."

"I'm so happy I chose to study English." I hear Charlie say and look up at her. "But don't worry, Dean, only few months and we'll be teaching little bitches ourselves."

"Yeah, you're right." I chuckle at her comment and see how professor walks into the class. Few minutes pass and he starts to talk about how teachers should act and talk around students. I hate this class, it's so stupid.

"Hey, Dean." Charlie nudged me and I turned to look at her.


"I'm throwing a party on Saturday, you coming?" Red haired girl was grinning. I frowned and shook my head. "Why not?"

"I've been to one last week." I shrugged and turned my attention to professor but never listened what he was talking about.

"And?" Charlie glared at me and I sighed. "You can have fun whenever you want, ya know that?"

"Yeah, but I need to study." I whispered.

"Stop beeing nerd, Dean!" Charlie whisper-shouted at me and I rolled my eyes. "C'mon, it'll be fun."

"I don't know, Charles." I rub the back of my neck and think about it. Her parties are great but damn I do need to study.

"I will find you a perfect match! Or maybe we'll find your soul mate there!" Charlie gasped and I mentally slapped myself for telling her that my tattoo glows in the dark.

"Miss Bradburry, Mister Winchester." I snapped my head to look at our professor. "I hope you two are talking about my subject and not some kind of a party you want to go on the weekend."

"Absolutely, professor!" Charlie giggled at him but professor glared and turned to other half of the class to continue on his talk. Charlie look at me with hopeful eyes. "So..?"

"Okay, I'll be there." I smile at her and she hugs me. "But just because it's your party."

"It'll be so much fun!" Charlie almost squeals and professor glares at her again. "Sorry, professor, I'll shut up now."

~~~ time skip to the next day ~~~

'Cause it was the heat of the moment
Telling me what your heart meant
The heat of the moment shone in your eyes

I groan and turn my alarm off. 7:50. I sit at the edge of my bed, my bear feet touching wooden floor. I look at my left wrist.


Who are you, my angel? When will I know who you are?

I sigh and stand up. I walk out of my room and go downstairs to the kitchen. It was early morning and I was the only one up.

Beth and dad should wake up soon and go to school and work. And then I'll be home alone. Sometimes I hate Fridays.

I put kettle on and started to make breakfast to my family. I decided to make pancakes. Kettle boiled and I pour boiling water to two cups with coffee and one with tea.

"Goodmorning, Dee." I hear sleepy voice and turn around to see my sister. "Why are you awake so early?"

"I forgot to turn my alarm off yesterday and just decided to make breakfast." I shrug and turn to pan with pancakes. I put few on the plate and hand it to Beth sitting on the barstool. "Bon appetite, madmoizelle."

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