8. Sweet Talks

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Castiel pov

I walk into art class and sit down in the back just like always. Since I want my future to be related to art, I have six lessons a week. And I love it. Less math, more art.

"Hey, Cas." I turn my gaze from the sketchbook I just opened and see my twin brother. He sat down next to me. Balthazar has just two art lessons a week, since he's more of a science nerd than artist.

"Hi, Balthy." I smirk and start to draw in my book. I don't know what I'm going to draw but I start anyways.

"Stop calling me that stupid nickname." Balth groans in frustration and I chuckle. "What's so funny to you, Cassie?"

"Never thought that your soul mate might have 'Balthy' written on her wrist?" I bite inside of my cheek for telling too much information. But maybe he won't notice if I start talking. "You know, you have nickname on your wrist, so your soul mate probably has a nickname too."

I see how Balthazar tenses. He bites his lip and looks away from me but then turns again and fixes his gaze on me. "If I tell you, promise you'll keep your mouth shut?" I furrow my eyebrows and nod. "Yesterday night I saw my tattoo glowing."

I stay silent for a second before grinning and patting my brother on the back. "You've met your soul mate!"

"No shit, Cas." Balthazar rolls his eyes but smiles. "I really want to know who it is."

I want to say him that he knows but shut my mouth because our teacher, Mrs. Mills, walks in and starts our lesson. She was talking about romanticism and showing slides with famous paintings and their authors, but I didn't pay much attention, I focused on my sketchbook.

"Alright." I hear our teacher say so I look up. 5 minutes till the end of class. "Let's talk about your final work for this year." She looks directly at me and I straighten myself to look more confident than I really am. "Since there's only two more months left till your graduation, I decided to give you six weeks to paint something that makes you smile, something that makes you really happy, something that makes you want to get up in the morning and do stuff!" Mrs. Mills was so excited about this project unlike me.

The bell rings signalling the end of the lesson and everyone rushes out of the classroom. But I stay. I pack my things and walk up to teacher in the front of the class.

"Mrs. Mills, I don't know what to paint." I bite my lip and shrug.

"You need to paint something that makes you happy, relaxed." Mrs. Mills smiles at me encouragingly.

"Painting things makes me happy." I roll my eyes. And what now? Should I paint myself painting a painting of myself?

"Castiel..." Mrs. Mills sighs and sits down on her chair. She pinches the bridge of her nose and then looks at me. "Why don't you paint your soul mate?"

"How?" I snort and raise my left hand with a Soul mate bracelet up. Mrs. Mills knows of the situation in our family, so she knows about strict rules in our family.

"Maybe it's time you take the bracelet off?" Woman smiles at me and I manage to smile back. Her short dark hair sticking in every direction just like mine. "Maybe you've already met your soul mate and you just need to find them now."

"You know what?" I pout. "I'll take the damn thing off. I'll find my soul mate and I will paint that person. And you'll give me an A no matter how horrible the painting will be!" I stare directly into Mrs. Mills eyes and all she does is smile.

"Okay." I was taken a back by her response but smirk.

"Okay." I turn around and walk away. But I hear Mrs. Mills say something that makes my heart flutter with warm happiness.

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