4. Secrets

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Castiel pov

I walk out of the classroom and go straight to my locker. I put books I don't need and shut the locker door. I see my sister Anna talking with Beth and walk up to them.

"-and then he just walk out." Anna rolled her eyes and looked up at me. "Oh, hey, Cas."

"Whatcha talking about?" I smile at girls and hear bell ring. "You have any classes left?"

"Nope." Beth shakes her head.

"I have cheerleading practise." Anna shrugged and started to go away from us. "I see you at home, Cas!"

"Bye, Anna!" Beth waved and we started to walk towards the exit. "You're coming over?"

"Yeah, just like everyday." I say sarcastically and roll my eyes. We get to the school's parking lot and I unlock my car. "Get in looser, we need to do stuff."

Beth just laughs and gets in the passengers seat. I start the engine and drive towards Beth's house. We do this almost everyday. I go to her place or she goes to mine and we just do random things. We paint, we talk, watch movies or TV shows, sometimes help each other with homework. I am two years older than she is but damn we get along pretty great.

I park outside Beth's house and see car in the drive way. But it's not Dean's Impala. Beth mentioned that her brother Sam visited them on the weekend but he left because he has classes.

We walk inside the house, me following Beth.

"Oh my God!" Beth squeals and I jump up in surprise. "DAD YOU HOME!"

"Hey there little Bee." Her dad hugs her and I frown at the nickname but shake it off. He rarely is home and it's nice to see my best friend so happy.

"Hello, Mr. Winchester." I say politely and wave.

"Hi, Castiel." John smiles at me and goes back to what he was doing earlier. "How's school?"

"Great!" Beth's smile is not leaving her face. "Art gallery is making exhibition of our work!"

"Damn, Bee, I'm proud of you!" John hugs his daughter again. And uses that nickname again. Damn.

"We'll see it in two weeks." I sit on stool next to Beth and smile at her. "I'm so happy about that!"

"So, how is your relationship working?" I almost choke on air, my eyes widening and heat rising to my cheeks.

"Dad!" Beth shouts in shock. "We are not dating!"

"Yeah, we're just best friends!" I smile nervously and shake my head. No one knows my secret. No one except Beth and Gabe.

"Me and Mary were friends too." John laughed but Beth send him a glare and he frowned. "I mean, if you took your Soul Mate bracelets, you'd find out that you're two are soul mates."

"No we are not!" Beth crosses arms over her chest. But before John could say something else front door opened and we heard voices.

"I'm home!" I hear Dean's laugh and then see him and a girl walk into the kitchen. "Dad!" Dean hugs his father and when they pull apart he smiles. "I thought you'd come tomorrow.?"

"Plans changed." The older Winchester shrugged and turned around. "Hello, Charlie." He smiled at the girl who was on her phone typing something frantically. She had bright red hair and she was so short. I've seen her around a few times but I never knew her name til now.

"Hey John." She smiled and went over to the living room.

"Lets go, Cas." Beth grabs my hand angrily and we walk to the attics where her room and art studio is.

Hey Angel || Destiel Soul Mate AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang