|| Chapter 10 ||

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Rika's (Yoosung's) POV

I've been with my Hwarang boys. Yes. My Hwarang Boys. I can't stop myself from freaking out sometimes. Often they catch me smiling like an idiot. Well, I can't stop myself if I thinnk of it won't I. I am with my idols but they do not know if they are truly idols.

Sun Woo, he's been a great man to me. Of course, he acts like a gentleman whenever we are both alone, he knows I'm a woman. He actually save me from maniacs like one time when a Hwarang member came unto me and put his arms around me. Knowing I'm uncomfortable, Sun Woo removed the man's arm and pulled me away.

Ji Dwi, he's been acting weird. He does not know I am a woman but, a certain haooening did tell me that, he has something in his mind about me being a woman. He acts like a lover to me. Sometimes he wants to feed and mostly, he spoils me whenever we go out. He's the sweetest one though.

Ban Ryu, he's been harsh but he has a good side. When he and I were left on the balcony, he showed his broken side where he sometimes feel hurt especially if he does not meet his father's expectation. He cries out his pain whenever he's with me and tells me I'm lucky to be the one he trusts.

Soo Ho, well he's a massive fuck boy. I guess he really has no idea that I am a woman. He's been telling me about women he wants to date and he did set me up on a blind date. It didn't go well.

Yeo Wool, he has this fancy aura which makes me closer to him. His sassy attitude towards others has been my forté. He told me that he likes someone from his fellow Hwarangs but didn't tell me his name but rather a riddle: "A man without something, but has a charm to smile to the world."

Hansung, just like on the series, he's been this funny guy. He knows when to make me laugh and when to comfort me, I could say, he's the friendliest and the cutest in the Hwarang.

I got some other friends too, though it's been hard for me to get along with them but, I did!

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