|| Chapter 9 ||

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Note: Rika will be called Yoosung. Thus the some happenings here happened from the last chapter but different point of view

Author's POV

When Yoosung sat beside Soo Ho a certain man didn't agree with it. He was glaring from the other side of the bunk before him.

Ban Ryu

It is strange that Ban Ryu has taken interest from a certain Hwarang.

A while ago...

"Hey, are you alright?", Yeo Wool asked looking at Yoosung with concern in his eyes. Yoosung sighed and answered, "I just miss my family, my friends, my everything"

I can't just tell him I'm a girl from the future.

Yoosung sighed and Yeo Wool embraced her. "We all do miss our families", Yeo Wool said and let go of Yoosung.

What the two do not know was a man in the shadows watching them.

Ban Ryu.

Right now, Ban Ryu was watching them happily eat. He's asking himself, Why am I stopping myself from talking to that Hwarang? Is it because of his friends? Or just my instinct?

Ban Ryu watched as Yoosung communicate with Soo Ho. He was glaring harshly that his fist closed.

Suddenly everything was back to normal when Hansung suddenly came.

"Yoosung-ah!, Let's sleep now!", Hansung put an arm around Yoosung. Making the guys glare at him especially, Ban Ryu.

"Okay, okay, see you guys", they all watch as the two left.

Ban Ryu laid on his bed thinking,

I am not gay... am I?


As Hansung put an arm around Yoosung. Yoosung's heart fluttered. How can I be comfortable around these boys if my heart thumps fastly everytime.

"Okay, okay, see you guys", Yoosung said, walking with Hansung to their room. Hansung was humming happily.

"Ah, I feel so happy to welcome you in this room, I am sometimes out of place with these men on my room", Hansung said sadly.

"Why so?", Yoosung asked wondering why since she never heard this on the series itself.

"They always talk about something I do not know and when I know something about their subject, they change the topic", he said looking down while walking with Yoosung.

"Well, I'm with you now, I hope you emjoy with me", Yoosung said as they reach the room.

Hansung's POV

I keep asking myself.

Why am I attracted to Yoosung?

I like women...

Sometimes I like Yeo Wool...

But how does Yoosung make me like him too?

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