Feeling Just Fine

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Having arrived at the Aoi residence Shu and Valt ate their dinner that Mrs. Aoi had made before retiring to Valt's room upstairs.

Mrs. Aoi had agreed on letting Shu spend the night which allowed the two bladers a sense of relief. After spending so much time with the other they didn't think Mrs. Aoi would agree.

Sitting on Valt's bed, upstairs, Shu sighed.

Ever since the two had left the beach the silvery white haired male had begun to feel a bit under the weather. He had begun to have a growing headache and slowly forming fever.

Although the room was warm the Spryzen blader felt like it was freezing! If this were his room he would've curled up under the covers and fall asleep. But this wasn't his room and he didn't want to get Valt sick.

Since the bluenette was currently in the restroom changing into his pajamas, Shu had no one to talk to or anything to do.

That is until a certain pink haired pigtailed twin walked into the room with a Spryzen shaped bread in hand. Her smile grew as she approached the latter.

"Hiya Shu! Wow - you don't look so good... is something wrong?"

The red eyed male gave a weak smile to the now frowning girl. He raised his gloved hand to pat her head, causing the girl to blush, before dropping his hand to look at the door.

Standing at the doorway was Valt, his hair down, a similar frown as his sister.

The bluenette walked over to the two with a look of worry clearly written on his face.

"Nika's right, you look kind of sick..."

Before Shu could answer Valt placed a hand on his forehead. Within seconds he withdrew his hand, looking to Nika.

"Can you go get mom to bring up some medicine, please?"

The young twin nodded before dashing out the room, her pigtails bouncing from side to side as she ran.

When the latter was sure Nika was out of earshot he finally spoke up.

"I'm fine, I don't need any medicine."

The bluenette shook his head, not about to give in.

"Yes you do, you're getting sick because of me! If you get worse then I won't be able to forgive myself. It'll be just like the time when your shoulder was injured.

Upon hearing of his old injury, Shu placed his hand over his shoulder, then face palmed with his free hand. Getting sick and getting hurt were two separate things in his opinion.

If the latter got sick he could easily sleep it off, if he got hurt then he could rest some, but medicine wasn't required for either, to Shu.

"Trust me on this one, I'll be fine. I just need some water and rest. Please let me be on this one."


The words were cut off when Mrs. Aoi entered the room with a thermometer in hand. She looked a little worried but kept a smile on her face.

"Nika tells me you look a little bit sick Shu. All I can do for now is take your temperature, so open wide."

The Spryzen blader obliged, waiting to get this over with.

Both Valt and his mom were surprised to Shu's temperature was normal! But Mrs. Aoi took the red eyed males temperature once more. The second time around kept to the same state; no changes.

"I told Valt I was fine, Mrs. Aoi. There's no need to worry, I'm just a little tired is all."

Mrs. Aoi nodded, moving out of the room slowly. Just before she left, Mrs. Aoi stood by the door frame, adding one last comment.

"You boys get to bed soon, don't stay up too late and the futon's in your closet Valt."

With saying that Mrs. Aoi left the room, closing the door behind her, leaving Shu and Valt alone once more.

Valt was pouting when he turned to look back at Shu.

"I don't get it! How do you feel okay when you're clearly not?!"

"I know my own body and it's limits by now, Valt. Everything's fine so can you stop worrying for now?"

Looking away, Valt sighed. His own head was starting to hurt from everything that had happened.

"Fine, but if you get sick in the middle of the night don't say I didn't try to help you."


The bluenette took a seat next to his boyfriend on the bed, looking up to the ceiling.

What a week this has turned out to be!

As Valt became consumed in thought Shu stood up to go to the restroom to go change into his pajamas.

What the bluenette hadn't known was the pair of pajamas Shu had hidden at the bottom of the white beach bag.

Turning to look at Valt from the doorway, Shu smiled.

Typical Valt, he's always so lost in thought that he hasn't even noticed I'm not even sitting next to him anymore.

Quietly Shu made his way to the restroom where he changed into his pajamas. The latter decided on leaving his normal clothes on a pile of Valt's that were already in the restroom before leaving.

The lights were all off in the house when Shu stepped out of the restroom. At least it seemed like all the lights were off - Valt's bedroom light could be seen from under the closed door.

Shu entered the lit up room to find Valt in the same position he had left him in, staring at the ceiling. A noticeable blush on the shorters face could be seen from across the room.

A smirk tugged at the Spryzen bladers lips, but he fought to keep it as a smile.

Shu made his way back to the bed where he laid down vertically across Valt's, resting his head in the bluenette's lap.

This action snapped Valt back to reality. The blush on his face now spread to his ears.

"Sh-Shu!" Nervousness clear in Valt's voice.

"You were over thinking again..."

The two stared into each others eyes for several moments before bursting out into laughter. Only they knew what was going on threw the other's mind as they laughed.

The laughter came to a stop when Valt let out a yawn.

It was starting to get late and Shu was beginning to cough again.

"We should get some rest... I don't want you getting sick."

Shu mentally rolled his eyes to himself. How many times did he have to tell Valt that he was going to be fine?!

"You're right, let's get some rest."

Shu moved off of Valt to hide under the covers of the bed, Valt following soon after.

The two faced each other with warm gentle smiles as they moved closer. They each drapped an arm around the other protectively before adding their other arm to turn their positions into a tight embrace. Valt with his head burried in Shu's chestand Shu's head resting atop of Valt's head.

"Promise me one thing before we fall asleep." Valt spoke softly, his eyes seemingly glazed over and twinkling.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Turn off the light?"

Shu felt like sweat dropping but couldn't for two reasons. One being he was already laying down and two... sweat dropping was in his character.


The response the Spryzen blader got was a tilt of the head, a wink, and a stuck out tounge.

Sighing, Shu pulled away from the embrace to go turn off the light. When he returned to the bed, Shu kept his back to Valt, who protested and apologized for several moments.

Feeling sorry himself, Shu turned around abruptly to embrace the other again, blushing in embarrassment at what he had just done.

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