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"When you said we'd go everywhere together from now on I didn't think that applied to the bathroom too!" Valt whined.

The morning had started off great! Rantaro had made breakfast and set it all up for Valt and Shu. The two males had each gone to eat the breakfast after waking up at separate times, much like the morning before. Only this time around they were facing each other with only a small distance away from the other.

After breakfast the blonde offered the two the use of his bathroom to get cleaned up while he went out to buy some groceries. This left Shu and Valt alone in the house.

Currently the bladers stood outside the closed bathroom door, each holding a borrowed towel. The fact that neither could leave the others companionship was developing a problem with the whole bathroom.

Personally Shu would rather share the shower - better safe then sorry - but was also against the idea at the same time.

It was a divergent idea. The thought of watching the water fall onto the bluenette's perfectly soft skin and - nope! Shu quickly cut off the thoughts to prevent himself a great deal of troublesome embarrassment.

As for Valt he was against the idea of sharing the shower entirely. He'd rather not do something on accident that would surely guarantee an awkward atmosphere for the rest of the day.

"If you really don't want to share the shower with me that's fine. But I'm not taking any chances at leaving you alone during this time. Even if we're in the same house we can't be for certain that nothing will happen."

Valt couldn't believe his ears. It wasn't that he didn't want to share the shower, it would just be too much. Who knows what could happen? But at least he had a second option to choose from now.

"Alright, alright. I'll shower first and since it bothers you so much I'll let you stay inside with me. BUT! You have to sit on the toilet and wait until I'm done. When I get out of the shower we switch."

Valt didn't wait for a response. He hurried inside, jumping into the shower, and began stripping behind the curtains. He hung his clothes and towel on a hook outside the shower before turning on the water.

The warm water easied the tension from the bluenette. He sighed at the touch of the water, reaching out to grab a bottle of lavender shampoo.

Sitting on the toilet lid patiently, Shu buried his face into his hands. His emotions were starting to get best of him for the past few days. And it all started because Valt had a crush on someone.

What was he thinking? Sleeping with Valt in the same bed, holding his hand, kissing his foreahead and almost- No... He shouldn't be doing these things if Valt liked someone else. But exactly why was he doing these things in the first place?

"Shu it's your turn."

The red eyed male snapped his head up to see Valt fully dressed once more, drying his hair with a towel.

Staring at the floor, Shu nodded. He quickly made his way to the privacy of the shower, throwing the curtains to hide himself.

Outside the shower Valt continued to dry his hair until all the water was out. He wasn't too sure where to leave the towel but his best bet was to fold it and leave it on the toilet lid.

Just as he placed it down he accidentally flushed the toilet, causing Shu to yelp in surprise at the cold water hitting him.

"S-sorry! I didn't mean to do that on purpose!" The bluenette face palmed his own actions, waiting for an annoyed comment to come his way.

"It's fine, I needed that anyway. I'll be coming out in a few minutes anyway."

That wasn't what I was expecting ti hear...

Within seconds the room grew hotter. Shu had turned up the heat to help warm up and wash away the shampoo from his hair.

The heat slowly fogged the room up, causing Valt to break out into a sneeze fit.

While he sneezed, Valt hadn't noticed Shu opening the shower curtain.

Shu stepped out of the shower wearing only his boxers, he held his black jacket in hand using it to fan the room. The rest of his clothes were still hanging on the hook he had used.

When Valt looked to the latter he couldn't stop the blush that began to form. The sight of his friends chest was alluring.

"Why didn't you get dressed behind the curtain?" Valt asked as he averted his gaze. The blush on his face noticeably visible.

Shu continued to the fan the room with his jacket as his answer.

"It was too hot."

"Then use cooler water next time!"

"I was until a certain someone made the water freeze."

Valt hung his head in shame. It was his fault for not being more careful.


"Don't be, we're all good."

When Valt looked back up he observed his friend. The latter was fully dressed and the look in his eyes made him reassured that they were still good.

"Awesome! Let's get going, I'm sure Rantaro will be back soon."

Glancing to the door, Shu ruffled Valt's hair before exiting the room. Some time during the whole scene Shu had placed his towel on top of Valt's.

The bluenette gasped for air when he was sure he was alone.

Why does he keep doing this to me? Does he know that he is the one I like?!


Soon after Rantaro returned Shu and Valt departed from the home. They had waited patiently in the living room talking amounst themselves until the blonde came back. Even before he let them leave, Rantaro handed several lolipops to Shu to share with Valt for later. He claimed they were the best in the world and only meant for great friends to have.

After that the two males left to their favorite spot in the city, the grass bank! This grass bank was special to them both. It not only was a training spot for Valt but also were they had agreed on facing each other in the finals at a past WBBA tournament, plus there was a huge body of water right in front of it!

Since it was around lunch time the grass bank was abandoned for fast food restaurants.

"Alright! It's been too long since we were last here together. To celebrate our return why don't we eat some of those lollipops Rantaro gave us?"

The shorter blader sat on the grass, bringing down the latter with him.

Shu smiled softly, handing one of the lollipops to Valt. He grabbed one for himself, giving it a lick.

"This isn't as half bad as I thought it'd be."

The bluenette turned his attention to Shu, a light blush dusting his cheeks.

"Hey... About that prize you wanted yesterday... What was it that you wanted exactly?"

Shu dropped the lollipop in his hand. He stared at the fallen candy, wishing he could magically use it as an excuse to change the subject.

Valt leaned closer to the male in confusion. He could sense a change in the latter... Why was he acting so weird all of a sudden?

As Shu looked up to Valt a low voice chimed in from behind.

"Afternoon you two! Do you know what prize I want? It's for you to both to vanish from my life!"

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