Captured By You

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"That wasn't fair! How did you manage to dodge me so fast?!" Valt whined. Both bladers had just finished their 10th round of Sharks and Minnows with the finally score bring 3-7; Shu having won 7 times and Valt having won 3 times.

On their last round Valt had played the role of the shark. He had been doing a good job at chasing Shu around until he decided to risk his catch by lunging at the latter.

Somehow the silvery white haired male had swiftly dodged Valt at the last second and made it back to the shore. Because he missed catching Shu, Valt ended up with a face full of three inch water and sand from the failed capture.

"It was pretty simple to be honest, all I had to do was turn to my side as you jumped and run from there."

Valt pouted his cheeks at the explanation. One didn't need to know rocket science to figure out how Shu had escaped him.

"Next time's going to be different! Just wait and see!"

"I look forward to see what you'll have in store for me next time then."

Standing next to their washing away sand castle, Valt smiled.

It was barely an hour into the afternoon which meant there was still time to enjoy the beach before going home. But what other activities could they tree next? The time at the moment seemed highly likely that they would settle down for lunch, but what about afterwards?

Shu, who had already thought ahead of the bluenette, laid out a blue blanket on sand.

The two then took their seats opposite to the other.

"So what's for lunch?"

The latter pulled out two neatly sealed up peanut butter sandwiches from his white bag. The sandwiches were free from any sand in them due to the plastic bag around them.

Handing one of the sealed sandwiches to Valt, Shu smiled.

"Peanut butter sandwiches and water."

The bluenette tore through the plastic bag, yanking his lunch out. Here was yet another thing he hadn't done for a long time - eat peanut butter!

"Thank you! This looks so good."

The two ate their sandwiches in silence, listening to the rising and falling waves behind them. The gentle breeze and the mingled sound of the waves was soothing to the bladers. Everything felt so right in the moment.

Giving Shu a sideways glance, Valt smiled. He was already finished with his own lunch and was waiting to go back into the ocean water.

The rule was to wait at least 30 minutes before going out to swim after eating.

The bluenette knew first hand why the rule existed... One time when he and Shu were younger, he had made the mistake out eating one too many hotdogs. Following that mistake he ended up going swimming right after. What happened as the conclusion was Valt nearly drowning due to swimming too far out and then getting a bad stomach cramp. If it weren't for Shu watching from a distance and going in after... who knows...

Since then he had learned his lesson on waiting to swim. Although he grew impatient at times, Valt was still glad to be with Shu.

"While we wait what should we do?" The bluenette asked curiously.

The look the red eyed male gave signalled a little idea he had in mind.

Without saying a word Shu stood up, offering a hand out to Valt, who took it with a confused expression.

The bladers walked a little ways away from the water and their blanket until they reached an area of untouched sand.

"Lay down, please." Shu's voice came out in almost a whisper. He had let go of the bluenette's hand and stood waiting.

A small tinge of pink dusted Valt's cheeks as he obeyed. His body lay flat against the cool sand, facing the water vertically.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Valt asked, staring into red eyes.

"I'm going to bury your lower body in sand.

Springing forward into a sitting position, Valt's face flushed a deep red. This was not what he was expecting. What he expect was for the latter to lay next him and take his hand as they'd stare at the clouds above. Not to get buried in sand! Even if it was only waist down...

"Seriously? I don't want to get sand piled atop of my legs! Why can't I do that to you instead?"

"The sand will get washed away after we go back to swim in a little... Plus I just thought this would be a relaxing way to pass the time." Was all Shu said before looking to the beach water.

Crossing his arm's over his chest, Valt pouted. He was going to protest all the reasons how being covered in sand was not relaxing but was silenced when he looked into disappointed red orbs.

"I-I guess so..."

The bluenette laid back down, closing his eyes as the sand began to be poured over his legs. The feeling was calming, making him forget it was there until he realised his legs were completely unmovable.

Cracking an eye open, Valt looked over to Shu, who was busy sculpting the sand by his feet into something.

Using his elbows to prop himself u, Valt grunted. This snapped the Spryzen bladers attention towards him.

"What do you think?"

Shu had made the sand around Valt's legs look like a mermaids tail, or rather a mermans tail.

"This looks awesome! You're really good at this kinds of things!" The bluenette mused. He once again looked over to Shu, who was unwrapping something that appeared to be a candy bar.

On instinct Valt moved forward, yanking the candy out of the surprised bladers hand.

"Alright, thanks for the chocolate!"

"Hey give that back!"

"No way! You ate my ice cream earlier so it's only fair if I get your chocolate bar for free!"

The two continued to argue over the who gets chocolate bar and why until they finally began playing tug-of-war. Back and forth the chocolate bar went, each blader struggling to keep the sand mermaids tail in the state it already was in and to get the candy for themselves.

After some time went by it was Shu who gave up in the end. He knew it was pointless to try to compromise with the bluenette at this point.

Instead red eyes watched over his boyfriend with a blank expression as the bluenette devoured the candy.

Valt was so absorbed in eating the chocolate that he didn't notice Shu leaning in towards him.

Without saying a word, Shu moved Valt's hand and chocolate bar away to side away from his face.

With nothing in his way, Shu leaned closer to place a gentle kiss upon the chocolate covered lips of Valt's.

This action startled the bluenette into falling backwards into the sand. His face blushing a deep red.


The Spryzen blader looked away, licking his own lips from the chocolate that was on them.

Both bladers were blushing profusely when they looked back to each other.

"Why d-did you do th-that?"

"It tastes better that way."

Valt nodded, blush growing and burning more than he thought it would. In all honesty he had to agree.

"Yeah... you're right about that!"

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