Innocent Hearts

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"Valt shivered at the coldness that enveloped him. He opened his eyes to see that he was alone on the sofa. The lights were off, leaving him to lay in the darkness. That is until he noticed a small trickle of light that made it's way around the corner of the room.

Looking to an electric clock set by the T.V., the time read 6:50 p.m. Only three hours had passed by during the nap... Wait a second!

Wasn't Shu supposed to be taking a nap with him on the sofa too? Looking to his sides as best he could, Valt came to the conclusion that Shu was in fact not there. Maybe the red eyed male was in the room that was lit up?

Taking a stand, Valt made his way to the room. He stopped just as he approached the corner to stay hidden in the shadows so he could peek into the room without being noticed.

Inside the room was in fact Shu, who was busy fixing his bed.

A low growl emitted from the bluenette's stomach, drawing red eyes to stare directly at him.

"You're finally awake, huh? I was beginning to wonder if you'd sleep right through dinner.,

Valt blushed lightly at the comment, looking away.

"Yeah, well I'm awake... So what's for dinner?"

The silvery white haired male signalled the bluenette an okay to enter his room, which Valt stepped in; looking at the floor.

"Does pizza sound alright?"

"Sounds great..."

The normal enthusiasm was no where to be found in Valt's voice as he spoke. Confusing thoughts consumed his train of thought causing him to focus on his mind.

Shu stared at his shorter friend for what seemed liked hours until an idea of his own came to mind. Maybe now was the time to finally get some answers.

Slowly the latter approached his friend who backed up with each step until hid back was pressed against the wall.

Shu placed a hand firmly on the wall next to the bluenette's head to prevent the shorter from escaping. His eyes sparkled with a strange seriousness to them that it made Valt's heart pound harder and faster. This feeling was oddly familiar- like he was going to be in serious trouble.

"What's up with you Valt? You haven't been like yourself lately and... it's starting to get me worried."

"I'm acting strange? I'm not the one acting differently, it's you! You keep sending me so many mixed messages and I can't take it anymore. It's like your trying to drive me crazy!"

Shu's expression switched so quickly that it was hard to tell what he was thinking. Perhaps Valt said something he shouldn't have.

"How am I the one driving you crazy when it's the other way around?! Are you so clueless that you can't see how hard I've been trying to protect you? To make all your worries go away? To not knowing who your crush is - is driving me crazy? Who are they? Tell me before I do something I really shouldn't do."

So that's why his expression changed so quickly... WAIT Did I hear him right?! He wants to know who my crush is?

Valt couldn't help but hid his face in hands, biting his bottom lip.

"I tried to tell you on the sofa earlier but you fell asleep. Seeing how you didn't care enough then to hear me out, I don't see why I should tell you now."

This was getting bad. The two males were both doing their best to hold back a dam full of emotions from the other. If one of them wasn't careful, those emotions would break at any minute.

Shu choose his next words carefully. The pent up feelings desperately trying to come out with each word.

"Look, I'm sorry about not listening to you. You of all people should know what kind of day we just had& resulting to both of our exhaustions. I was tired, but now I'm standing here ready and awake to listen right? Please just tell me... I promise I won't say anything bad about them."

Valt lowered his hands, his eyes glazed over with tears threatening to fall at any moment.

"I- c-can't..." Valt whispered, his voice cracking a bit. The tears in his eyes now falling down his cheeks.

Watching Valt like this made the latter's heart ache. He knew he shouldn't be forcing his best friend to tell him what he wanted to know. That's not something friends do to each other.

Silently, Shu dropped his hand to wipe away the falling tears from Valt's cheeks. He then leaned forward to rest his head on the shorters shoulder.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be forcing you to tell me if you don't want to... Hey... If it'll make you feel better... how about I tell you who it is I like?"

Valt's heart dropped for a moment. He never knew Shu liked anyone! And since the latter never bothered to tell him about his crush before then what was that supposed to mean?!

"Only if you want to."

I red eyed male smiled softly. He brought a hand up gently cup the side of the bluenette's cheek. Since his head was still burried in the shorters shoulder, Shu moved to where he could whisper into Valt's ear.

"At first I thought this person was just going to be my friend forever, but as time went on I realized I couldn't be friends with them. The person I like is someone who is constantly looking out for me, even when I don't want them too. They're always full of energy and can be very childish at times."

By now Valt was a blushing mess. Sometime during the latter's talking, Valt's legs began to give out. He was holding onto the black jacket of the others tightly to help keep himself up.


"The person I like has the most kind chocolate eyes and smile. They have spiked blue hair that can be spotted from far away distances. And you know what else? They own an attack type bey that can victoriously beat my Spryzen. The person I like is you, Valt, I love you."

With that being said, Shu pulled away with a bright blush. The look on Valt's face showed that he was a flustered mess with his own blush growing with each passing second.

"So... now that you know...!?"

Shu became completely quiet as arms were thrown around his neck, being pulled into a hug.

"Do you really mean it?" The bluenette asked nervously, hoping this wasn't just some kind of cruel joke.

"Yes, I really mean it."

Pulling away from the hug to where he could see Valt's face, Shu smiled.

"Does this mean you like me too?"

Valt didn't think his face could heat up anymore then it already was but soon found he face to feel like it was on fire. All he could do was nod his response.

Smirking at the bluenette, Shu rubbed his bottom lip gently.

"May I kiss you?"

Another nod followed, signaling a yes.

Their lips met in a shy gentle way. Neither of the two were very experienced at kissing so they pulled away after several breathless moments. But the taste of their first kiss lingered on.

Valt stared speechless when the kiss ended. He didn't know what to say so he ended up hugging the other.

Together they remained in each others embrace... until Valt's stomach growled, reminding Shu about a frozen pizza he left in the oven...

"Valt, I left the pizza in the oven..."

In a haste the two took off towards the kitchen to check on their dinner. Thankfully they made it on time before the food could burn.

Valt laughed at Shu's annoyed expression when he took the almost burnt pizza out of the oven.

"Aww, don't look so upset! At least you had me to remind you."

"And it's because of you that I forgot. But I suppose it was worth it."

The two continued to shot little remarks at the other for the rest of the night, each laughing at what the other said from time to time.

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