Morning Advice

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Even though Valt had finally gotten out of bed and left his room he couldn't ignore what had happened just moments before.

Waking up to Shu being so close and then being pulled closer only to lose the feeling of the embrace wasn't good for the heart. Thinking about it made him blush and silently wish they could've stayed like that longer...

No matter the subject now, at the moment the bluenette was busy getting breakfast prepared. Normally his mom would be up making him and his siblings something good to eat. But this morning in particular was diffrent.

Ms. Aoi had taken Toko and Nika to a beyblade training camp for the day, leaving Valt to take care of himself.

With a sigh the bluenette collected two bowels and a box of cereal. Truth was he was too lazy to prepare anything big and thought cereal was easy enough to do.

Coming around the corner, Shu rubbed his eyes trying to look like he had just woken up.

Clearing his throat, Shu walking into the kitchen casually.

"Morning Valt. You making breakfast?"

Startled, Valt whipped around sharply, dropping the plates. He hadn't expected the red eyed male to have woken up so early.

"Sorta... Mom and the twins left for some training thing so I thought I'd get a simple breakfast ready. Although if mom were here she would've made us some pancakes or something."

"Is that so? Well why don't I make us some pancakes then? If you really want them I could try to make some." Shu was already making his way around the kitchen, gathering up the necessary items to get to baking. Since there was a batch of pancake mix it wouldn't take long to prepare the breakfast.

Nodding, Valt began to pick up the fallen plates and put them away in the sink. The box of cereal was left on a shelf. The shorter male glanced at his taller friend from behind his shoulder, receiving a smile.

"Want some help?"

"Thanks for the offer but I think I've got these almost finished. Maybe you could get some plates and possibly something to drink."

In no time Valt had brought over two clean plates filled two empty glasses with orange juice. Everything was running smoothly with the two of them working together.

"Here we go!" Shu said as he placed two pancakes on two separate plates. Valt smiled happily at the serving, waiting patiently to begin eating.

"Awesome! Tables all set!"

The two brought their plates to the table, sitting down side by side.

"Thanks so much Shu! Here's a fork and knife." The bluenette handed over the silverware just before he began to eat his own food.

The latter gladly cut his pancake, drenching it with syrup as he did so. Through the corner of his eye he watched Valt chomp away at his food.

Upon looking at the bluenette Shu remembered something. Reaching for the certain remembered item in his back pocket, Shu pocked at Valt's arm.

"Mmhmm?" Valt questioned. He turned his head just in time to watch as Shu placed his signature yellow beaded headband back into its proper place in his hair.

Shu then returned to eating as if he hadn't done anything.

Once again the red eyed male could feel chocolate eyes staring at him.

"Just thought you might've wanted it back."

The two continued to eat in silence with the same thought in mind.

I wonder if remembers about last night?


Later on during the day the two males decided to practice training outside in the bey stadium. Since it had rained during the night the bey stadium was flooded with water.

Fortunately enough Valt knew just how to get rid of the water!

Together Shu and Valt took turns scooping up the water into bucket and carrying it away to dump the water on grass away from where they were. The whole process took a good fifteen minutes before all the water was removed. Only a few droplets of water remained but would soon be deported when the beys would clash inside.

"Ready when you are Shu!"

The two took their stances opposite sides of the bey stadium and launched their beys.

Within seconds Valtryek and Spryzen were clashing head on at the center of the stadium. Neither bey was planning on giving up as they battled it out.

"Come on Valtryek! Go for a rush launch!"

Valtryek charged at an incredible speed, hitting Spryzen and sending it flying back."

"Don't think you've won just yet! Spryzen use your Upper Launch!"

Hitting the edge of the stadium, Spyrzen made an equally speeded dash back towards Valtryek, knocking it out of the stadium.

"You've gotten a whole lot stronger since the last time we battled." Valt complemented as he retrieved his bey. Small sparkles shone in his eyes as he looked at Valtryek. "I thought we could've beat the Upper Launch this time but I guess not. Next time we'll win for sure!"

Shu nodded, retrieving Spryzen. It was true that they had both gotten stronger but his reasoning was different. He had only gotten stronger because of Valt's support.

Taking a notice to his friends sudden silence, Shu turned around to look at the smaller blader.

Chocolate eyes met red eyes made contact once again, causing Shu to become engulfed with wonder.

"Hey Shu, can I ask you for some advice?" Valt mumbled, he was fidgeting with a string from his red jacket, something he had been more frequently lately.

"Sure, what is it?"

Wanting to get this over with quickly, Valt blurted out his question.

"I was wondering what you would do if you liked someone, but you didn't know if that person liked you back.?"

A strange pain tugged at Shu's chest upon hearing the question. Did Valt really like someone? And if so who could they bet... not that it mattered that much...

"That's a strange thing to ask." Shu began. His heart ached as he continued. "But I guess I'd tell that person in private how I felt and wait to see what their response would be."

Valt nodded, satisfied with the advice he received before walking to the screen door of his house.

"Hey want to go walk around town for a little?"

Shu nodded, following his friend. The pain in his chest worsened as he thought more about who Valt might possibly like. This feeling wasn't jealously, per-say, it was just mere curiosity.

Shu didn't want his best friend ending up getting his feelings hurt over this person he liked. All he wanted was for the bluenette to always remain hally. And if this person ever did something to break Valt's heart than they'd be in a world of misfortune for the rest of their life.

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