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"Shu was underwater, to his surprise. How could this be? It was probably due to the fact that Valt was flailing his arms - kicking up the water so much that caused the latter to fall underwater.

The splashing of water continued for countless moments before the bluenette came to realize how he was suddenly alone in the water. He rubbed away water droplets from his eyes as he looked around for his boyfriend.

"Shu?" Valt cried out unsuringly.

No answer...

"Shu?!" The bluenette tried again a bit more urgently than the last.

Again no answer...

Valt looked to the shore, hopping to see the latter there. Since the shore was still visable from where he was, Valt scanned the surface, but found nobody there. Which should've been obvious since the beach was empty for the day provided by Shu.

"SHU?!?!" Valt had cupped his hands around his mouth to screech as loud as he could.

Still no answer...

This was starting to scare the Valtryek blader. Normally the Spryzen blader would always respond back after hearing the bluenette's loud voice.

This could only mean one thing. If Shu wasn't answering from above the water then that had to mean he was below water...

Just as Valt was about to dive underwater he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist and some wet hair press into his back. Several strangled gasps for air followed by water being spit at him and harsh coughing. This caused Valt to fully turned his body around to face whoever was holding him.


The latter didn't look up, he was too busy gasping for breath. Even with his head pressed firmly into the bluenette's chest, Valt could easily see something was wrong.

Shu's chest heaved for air, his body trembling with the force of trying to catch his breath.

Valt didn't know what to do. He was holding Shu up as best as he could, but with the waves moving so much around them and Shu holding onto his forearms tightly, it was hard to move.

Finding a way back to shore quickly and safely was proving to be easier said than done with each passing second.

But as the seconds went by Shu's condition improved slowly. The silvery white haired male had stopped breathing so heavily but was still trembling.

This is all my fault! If I hadn't been splashing so much water around Shu would be just fine!

A burst of energy suddenly filled the bluenette when he looked back to the shore. He soon found himself swimming as fast as he could with Shu carried in his arms bridal style.

We're almost there, just a little further! Please hang in there Shu!

When the bluenette could feel the sand under his feet relief flooded over him. The water had been doing most of the carrying of Shu part, taking practically all the weight off of Valt's part, which made the travel easy. But seeing as the water was no longer helping out Valt was forced to use all of his strength to carry his boyfriend the rest of the way to the shore.

Valt stumbled up to the hot sand with Shu in his arms. He then hastily moved towards the blanket they had left out to gently lay the latter down.

A good 10 minutes had passed by the time everything went back to normal, with the exception of Shu's occasional coughing. Other than that the two lay side by side in silence with the blanket covering the latter.

The sun was slowly setting, reminding Valt of his promise to his mom on not stay out too late.

Glancing to Shu, Valt frowned. Even though everything was alright again he couldn't help but feel guilty.

"I'm really sorry about what happened back there. I should've paid closer attention to you when I was splashing around.

Shu looked to Valt with a small smile, which quickly transformed into a frown.

The bluenette was sitting up with tears streaming down his face. His chocolate eyes shut tight, hidden from view.

Oh Valt...

Sitting up as well, Shu moved to sit in front of Valt, leaning forward. His hands cupping either side of the bluenette's face, using his thumbs to wipe away the falling tears.

Shu then closed the gap between them by placing soothing kisses around the bluenette's face.

When the tears finally stopped coming Shu moved back to look into embarrassed chocolate eyes. The blush that came with those embarrassed eyes sent a warm loving feeling through his body.

"You feeling better?"

All Valt did was smile and nod, his heart too busy pounding madly in his chest.

"That's great... How about we get you home? Didn't your mom want you back before it got dark?"


The two males set down the sidewalk towards Valt's house. They had changed back into their normal clothing and had agreed that it would be best for Shu to spend the night over.

It was the least Valt could do, as by now Shu was coughing and sneezing all over the place. It was so much that the bluenette had insited the latter stay with him and wouldn't take no for an answer.

As the Aoi residence came into viewing, Valt smiled.

Here he was, walking with his boyfriend hand in hand to his home with the sunset following them. Getting another chance to have Shu spend another night with him. What a wonderful feeling!

Unfortunately that feeling was washed away when a familiar blue flamed haired male dropped out of a tree to land standing in front of the two, blocking their path.

"Lui..." Valt breathed out in almost a whisper. The hand that was once softy holding his own had tightened protectively.

"Don't get your head overworked by this! I'm not gonna do anything that'll hurt either of you, this time." Lui started, muttering that last part to himself. "I came here to apologize for what I did to you both a few days ago."

Valt stood staring in shock at the Lunior blader, Shu stood with a blank piercing gaze. They were both torn between suspicion and pure confusion.

Why would Lui of all people ever decide to go apologize for anything? He'd never di that in a million years! Or at least that's what everyone thought at least.

From behind the tree the Lunior blader had just came from stood a tall figure with their arms crossed.

Lui must have noticed the two looking past him because he let out a low growl. And was that a blush forming on his face? Who would've guessed this would be the day the Lunior blader to show two more sides of himself?!

"Yeah, yeah, you two already know Gou, get over it! He's only here because... YOU DON'T NEED TO KNOW! Anyway, back to that apology, I'm sorry, so there you go! See you two around or whatever."

With saying that Lui stormed off opposite to the way the pair had come and traveled across the empty street. Gou following the blue flame haired male with a sigh.

Valt and Shu weren't sure what to say. The encounter was strange to say the least... But why had Lui suddenly decide to apologize? Maybe it was because of Gou being there.

Who knows, for all the two knew Lui could've had a change of heart or said it just to say it.

No matter the reason everything was going to be just fine from now on. So long Lui's rage towards them and hello to peaceful outgoings once more!

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