Prize For The Winner

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After the bladers left the home they began to walk to Shu's apartment instead of walking around town. The latter had insisted on going to his home for no reason in particular- or at least that's what the bluenette knew.

While the two walked Valt took notice on how Shu's hand would brush against his. At first it felt like playful bumps, but they soon continued to occur more frequently. He also began to notice how the latter didn't even try to move away as their hands brushed either. Perhaps this was all intentional?

Dropping the thought, Valt continued walking.

Suddenly the hand that had been bumping into his, slipped into his own. Fingers intertwined and curled at the contact.

Valt could feel a rising blush make it's way to his cheeks. He looked to Shu, who was staring straight ahead, gently squeezing the shorters hand.


The latter inwardly laughed at the side glance he took to look at his friend. The way Valt's cheeks were flushed and the innocence in his eyes made him look absolutely radiant in the sunlight.


Shaking his head, Valt averted his gaze. "Nothing... I'll tell you at the apartment."


Once at the apartment Shu finally let go of Valt's hand already missing the feeling. His heart was pounding at how he was allowed to hold on so long without letting go up until this point. He honestly expected Valt to have protested and yank his hand away, but thankfully he didn't.

Neither of the two wanted to let go of the other as they were walked. Scratch that, they just never wanted to be apart from the other from that moment on.

Valt entered the small apartment, followed by Shu who closed and locked the door behind them.

Looking around, the apartment seemed bigger somehow. The furniture was pushed back more than usual. One could obviously tell that the walls had just been freshly repainted due to the fumes they gave off.

Valt ran to a couch that was positioned in front of a TV and jumped onto one of the empty cusions. He smiled back to Shu who had been watching with a smile from behind.

"So what do you want to do now Shu? I was thinking we could play a two person game on you Wii. That's only if you didn't have anything planned in mind."

The taller male smirked at the mention of his Wii. It had been a good'n'long time since he had last used the game console.

One of games they used to have fun playing on the Wii was Wii Sport's. It was one of their top favorite picks because of the competitiveness it provided for the both of them.

Without mentioning the game they would be playing Shu began to set up the Wii, handing Valt a controller.

"Is that Wii Sports I see? That's so awesome, let's do this!" Valt cheered when the loading screen revealed the title screen to Wii Sports. He waisted no time in starting up the tennis portion of the game. A well known fact that most everyone knew was that Valt could always manage to wipe the floor with Shu at Wii Tennis. It was a gift that he could do so much better at the sport even though he never played it before in real life.

"Ready or not here I come!"

The match started off well with Valt taking the lead with aces. But as the second half started Shu began making daring moves such as jumping in front of the other to block Valt's view of the screen, elbowing his sides and pretending his shoulder pain had returned.

In the end Valt ended up winning despite being thrown off his game.

"Oh yeah I won! Now time for a prize of my choosing!"

"What prize? We didn't even bet on anything."

"You didn't but I did and I sau we swap clothes!"

Shu raised an eyebrow at the 'prize' option. Surely neither of them would be able to properly fit into the others clothes.

"Can't you choose something else?" Shu sighed.

The look in Valt's eyes told him that there would be no way of talking him out of doing this.

"Fine, just hurry up and let's get this over with."

Valt eagerly ran to the bathroom where he quickly stripped out of his visible clothes, ready and waiting for a knock at the door to exchange clothing.

When he heard a light knock he opened the door a crack, throwing his clothes out and receiving fold clothes in exchange.

Outside the bathroom Shu swept up the clothing that were thrown at him. He then rushed to his room where he redressed himself into the bluenette's clothing.

Surprisingly enough the clothes weren't that tight on him, although they were a bit small.

Shu took a look at himself in a mirror that hung on his wall. He hugged himself tightly, taking in the scent of his friends that lingered on the clothes.

"Shu I'm ready!"

Slowly Shu dropped his arms and exited the room. A small blush dusted his cheeks when he met Valt back in the front room.

Valt was wearing his clothing rather well for them being a bit too big.

"Look at me! I'm Shu Aoi Kurenai now!" The shorter blader stood on his toes trying to make himself taller.

"Okay maybe not... Wow you look just like me!" Valt smiled. He quickly pulled out a camera that was hidden in his - Shu's - pant pocket and took a picture of them both. This moment would forever be saved in picture form!

"Great picture, can we switch back?" Shu fought the blush that was rising on his face for worsening.


Once the two had switched back into their normal attire they returned to playing different sports on the Wii.

Each time one of them would win they would take turns getting little prizes. Some of the prizes included bragging rights, entering each others homes without permission, glove swaps, and even candy!

The final sport they played was bowling, which Shu won. For his prize this time around, he wanted something extra special that would forever stay in his memory. This was something that had been on his mind since he gave advice earlier.

"So what do you want?" Valt asked as he dropped his controller onto the sofa.

The room fell silent as Valt waited for Shu's response. When the bluenette noticed Shu was just in deep thought he smiled, moving closer.

"Having a hard time deciding on your prize?"

Taking a deep breath Shu turned to face Valt, shaking his head.

"No, I've decided..." Shu raised his gloved hand, tilting the shorters chin up. Everything from that moment on went by incredibly slow for the two as Shu leaned in, lips nearing Valt's soft ones.

Before either bladers could make full contact a loud explosion sounded outside. The explosion caused Shu to come back to reality, blushing hard. He hurriedly rushing away from his friend to his closed window peering out of the side where he was sure to be hidden from sight.

Outside stood the same opponent he and Valt had faced the day before at the WBBA. Turning to Valt, Shu's face had paled. He quickly ran to his TV, turning it off and back to Valt, grabbing his wrist.

"We need to get out of here NOW."

Valt was frozen in place. He could barely hear the latter's voice over the loud pounding in his ears.

Was Shu really about to kiss me!!! That's the only logical explanation I can think of...

"Come on we need to hurry!" The desperation in Shu's voice snapped Valt back to reality. Mainly because it was a rarity to hear Shu sound so desperate. Whatever was outside must've really got to him.

"Alright, let's get moving."

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