Our Relationship Status

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"Having arrived at the Ferris Wheel, Valt anxiously looked towards a cluster of nearby bushes. If Rantaro had really made it to the shrubbery than the plan would be able to continue forward.

Relief flooded over the Valtryek blader when he noticed a pair of eyes peeking out from behind the bushes.

Phew! We're all set! Valt sighed. He nodded to the eyes, giving them a thank you, before turning his attention over to Shu.

The silvery white haired male was busy looking at the structure of the Ferris Wheel.

Normally Ferris Wheel's had plain seats to sit on. But this one in particular had small four people cabins to ride on inside instead.

Judging by the height and width of the ride, it looked like the two would spending quiet a long time in the cabin.

"Next riders please." A young man smiled. He motioned for Shu and Valt to enter an empty cabin, doors open.

With a small thank you the two bladers took their seats opposite to the other in the cabin. They watched as the doors closed and the Ferris Wheel began to move. The way the cabin moved was slow as it escalated higher into the air.

Neither of the bladers spoke at first. They were too busy staring out the sides of their cabin windows, taking in the sight of the view below them.

It was only when pink confette heart shaped balloons came floating near the cabin windows that finally started a conversation.

"Wow would you look at that! Where do you think those balloons are coming from?!" The bluenette asked, trying his best to act as though he had no clue about where the balloons had come from.

The latter smiled faintly at the balloons. His mind was in another place as he looked out the window.

I know this is your doing Valt. Only you of all people would be able to pull of something like this.

Looking to the bluenette, Shu's gaze softened. The gesture of the balloons was sweet.

When the balloons stopped coming Valt turned his attention back to hid friend, standing up from his seat.

"So... um... there's something I've been meaning to ask you..."

The cabin fell silent for several moments before Shu spoke up.

"Sure, what is it?"

This was it, time to ask the question that finally declare their relationship status. No matter what the outcome Valt reminded himself to keep an open mind. At least they could still be friends, right?

"About last night... the kiss. Does that mean we're together? As in, are we in a relationship or..." With every word Valt's voice came out squeaker and quieter. Why was this so hard to ask?

A light chuckle sounded from the latter, causing Valt to wince slightly. Was this really something to laugh at?

"Valt, come here."

Shu patted the seat next to him, which the bluenette took. A look of embarrassment plastered on the shorters face.

"Honestly the same question has been on my mind as well. We both like each other and it's obvious that I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't want to be in a relationship with you... But you're right on one thing. We never asked each other properly if the other wanted to start dating."

Valt stared wide eyed as Shu grabbed his hand, a soft smile on his lips.

"Would you like to go out with me?"

In that moment Valt couldn't help but feel like he was going to burst into tears. This was literally a dream come true!


The two males smiled to each other, fingers lacing together as their ride continued.

Within moments an assortment of fireworks went off outside the cabin of the Ferris Wheel. One of the fireworks sounded so close that it startled Valt into jumping forward, headbutting Shu in the process.

The Spryzen blader hissed in pain, letting go of Valt's hand to rub his head.

Valt quickly took to his boyfriends injury by rubbing his hand on the latters wound. A series of "I'm so so so sorry" was given for the remainder of the ride.

When the bladers exited the cabin at the bottom they were once again greeted by Rantaro who was accompanied by Daigo.

"Did you two enjoy the ride? Those fireworks are what brought me around these parts and I just so happened to have met up with our fellow beyclub member here." Rantaro smirked, knowing he and Daigo were the ones to have set off the fireworks. He looked over to Valt, who returned the look with a bright smile, and began blushing as he spoke.

"Yeah it was really great!"

Diago, who was watching Shu and Valt closely, nodded in satisfaction.

"Glad you both enjoyed it. Since we're all here how about we go play some of the games?" The black haired male inquired. The three nodded in agreement, each naming a few group games to try out.

The first game they tried together was Ring Ross. The bottles used for the game were scattered far apart from each other making them a harder target to land on. However this didn't stop the bladers from trying to win.

In the end Shu wound up with five of his rings on several of the bottles. As for the other three bladers they fell short on their tosses and ended up only getting two or three of their rings on them. Since the Ring Toss game offered prizes Shu let Valt select a prize from his own winnings. The bluenette choose a medium sized monkey plush and gladly thanked his boyfriend. As for Diago and Rantaro, they passed on the prizes.

The following game was a water gun themed game. The goal of the game was to hit a target, which would fill up a balloon, and then burst once one the balloons were filled and bursting with water!

While Shu and Daigo were a little less enthusiastic about the game Valt and Rantaro went full force on trying to beat the other. The two would shove, elbow, and kick the other to try throwing the other off their game. But in the end it was Daigi who ended up winning. The Doomscizor blader got a red visor as his prize, which caused Valt and Rantaro to argue over who would've won if it weren't for the other.

For the finally activity of the night the group decided to take some photos at a photo booth. Several of the photos consisted of Valt's face up too close to the camera. Although the rest of the photos were of the group making silly faces or just plain laughing.

When the group finally split up for the night, after their photo taking, Shu slipped his hand into Valt's. The shorter had a slight tinge of pink dust his cheeks due to the contact.

From there Shu walked Valt home, leaving the shorter with a smile before turning to go back to his apartment.

As the Spryzen blader walked home he let out a soft laugh.

That Valt is really something else... And that's why I love him.

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