Waves Of Fun

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Valt dashed towards Shu's apartment as fast as he could. The adrenaline running through his veins pounded hard. He was so ready to get the day started! After all Shu had promised the bluenette a surprise over their call the previous night.

As Valt raced through the calm silent streets he came into viewing of his boyfriends apartment. Man, being able to call Shu his boyfriend from now on sounded so amazing... and natural!

Standing outside the front door of the lower level of the apartment complex was none other than Shu. In hand he held a blue inflatable float ring and a white bag.

When the latter noticed the shorter running towards him he flashed a smile, waving his free hand.

"Hey Shu! What's with the bag and floaty? Oh wait, don't tell me! Are we going to a pool!" Valt asked as he came to a standing stop next to the silvery white haired male.

"In a way we are, actually I planned on taking you to the beach. It was the surprise I was talking about last night."

Chocolate eyes lit up with seemingly sparkles in them. The mentioning of going to a beach thrilled the Valtryek blader to pieces!

It had been quiet some time since either of the two had gone swimming or to a beach. So seeing as he could now go to a beach, with his boyfriend, Valt grew eager with expectancy.

That's so awesome! But, I wish you would've told me before I got here. I could've brought some swim gear and stuff for us to use."

The Spryzen blader let out a soft sigh, pointing to his bag.

"I tried calling, but your mom informed me that you had already left. So I took it upon myself to pack some towels and swim trunks. You can borrow my old blue ones, they should fit you and if not you can always use the strings to tie them for a better fit."

Valt lowered his gaze to look at the bag. He could see two visible pairs of cloth, presuming they were the swim trunks. A small smile formed on the bluenette's cheeks as he thought about the size difference he and Shu were to the other. It shouldn't be that much considering they were the same age, but then again Shu was taller...

"Th-thanks! We should get going if we want to find a good spot before other people start showing up."

Eyeing Valt, Shu smiled.

"The beach we're going to won't be packed at all, on the contrary I think we'll probably be the only one's there. So don't worry about us being late."


When the two arrived at the beach Valt was surprised to see it was the one were he and his fellow bey club members went to after most battles of the WBBA nationals. It was just how Shu said too! Nobody was there at all but him and Shu, who were now changed into their swim trunks.

Valt couldn't be happier. This was one of his favorite places to go to. The grass bank was a close favorite of his as well. But at the moment this was his absolute favorite for two reasons. One, Shu was with him, which was obvious, and two, he had a rainbow sherbet ice cream cone in hand.

"Wow! This is going to be so much fun! What should we do first? Maybe we could swim, or build some sand castles!" The bluenette questioned excitedly. He was so busy looking around the empty beach area that he hadn't yet noticed Shu taking several bites of his rainbow sherbet ice cream. Or at least he didn't notice until Shu moved his hand atop of Valt's to pull the ice cream closer to his mouth.

All Valt could do was laugh, frozen in place. Shu was really funny at times.

"Hey, get your own ice cream next time!"

"It's much simpler to share and save money this way."

Giving in after several moments of tug-a-war, Valt let Shu finish what was left of the ice cream cone before asking the same question again.

"So what'll it be? What are we going to do first?"

Shu smiled to Valt, who looked back at him with eager eyes.

"How about starting off on making a sand castle? Then we could swimming and after that... anything you'd like to do is fine."

With a satisfied nod the bluenette dragged his boyfriend towards some moist looking sand close to some low tides. He sat down with a thud and waited for Shu to do the same.

When the two sat parallel to each other it was Valt who began building up the base of the sand castle.

Since neither of them had thought to bring anything other than their towels, lunch, and spare clothes in Shu's bag they had to use their hands to build.

The process of building the sand castles was sloppy. Valt blamed the crumbling and falling sides of his half on the sand being too moist. However Shu claimed it was his own fault for not being better prepared.

"It doesn't even look like a sand castle!" The shorter fummed. In all honesty the sand castle looked like a toppled over cake that had been hit with a baseball bat.

"Don't worry too much about it, the water will wash it away and we can try again later." Shu shrugged.

Glancing to the beaches water Valt smirked. An idea crossing his mind.

"Want to play Sharks and Minnows?"

A look of confusion crossed the red eyed male. The game Sharks and Minnows was usually recommended to be played with at least five or more players. Although it was possible to be played with just two members, however that would only result in the game ended much sooner than what it would with more players.

"What about Marco Polo instead? With that at least it'll be a little easier since it'll just be the two of us."

"No way, if we did that then I wouldn't be able to see you! Plus if we play Sharks and Minnows it would be in the water. The game would be more challenging since the water makes it harder to run in."

A faint blush dusted Shu's cheeks when Valt said he'd rather see the latter. That and the fact that Valt had already dragged him into the cold beach water.

"You're the shark and I'm the minnow for this first round, alright?"

The bluenette walked a little farther into the water until he was in shoulder deep. From behind the rising and falling waves around him he could Shu barely knee deep in the water before he called out for the game to begin.

Almost as soon as he called the game to start Valt had quickly ducked under the water, taking in a deep breath of air just seconds before.

Suddenly surrounded by nothing but water, Valt used all the strength in his legs ti kick off the ocean floor and began swimming towards shore, still underwater.

Looking around frantically over the surface of the water was Shu. After witnessing Valt falling, or what he presumed was falling, backwards into the water he began to worry.

Valt normally had exaggerated movements on a daily basis. Whether it was on purpose or accident it always concerned the red eyed male. But this time felt different. What if Valt actually was stuck somewhere underwater unable to come back up!?

Relief flooded over Shu when he spotted some yellow beads and what appeared to be skin swimming a little ways ahead of him.

The Spryzen blader stalked forward, catching Valt off guard. The bluenette had just stuck his head above the water to get some much needed air when he came to see Shu towering over him.

In a fast motion Shu had pulled Valt out above the water in a hug. Their skin flush against the other, hairs prickling from the contact.

"This'll teach you not to scare me like that again." The latter smirked.

Before Valt knew it he was once again underwater. Shu had fell backwards into the water with Valt still in his arms. The two clinging to each other as they fell under water together.

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