A little competition

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Heavenly: Well no one... I'm not pretty or skinny.... I'm ugly and fat... Maybe you should talk to Nova... She beautiful and skinny... Like an angel..... 

Ethan: You are not either of those!

Heavenly: Yes, how could you even say I'm something, when you've bearly even seen me?
Ethan: You don't have to see someone to know their beautiful
Heavenly: That's cute. But not going to work.
Ethan: What's not going to work?
Heavenly: She's not going to fall for it dude😂
Heavenly: It's Kian, Heavenly fell alseep, like 5 minutes ago. If I was you, I'd back off.
Heavenly: That's what I thought. Your just a little boy, she wants a men, not a boy.
Ethan: Let's see. You can't be saying that, look in the mirror, your more of boy than I am. You had to pretend to be her, and for all we know, she could thinks she's beautiful and you just went, making people believe she thinks she's fat and ugly. Some men you are.
Heavenly: let's make a bet.
Ethan: and what that be?
Heavenly: whp ever wins heart, may have her? Sounds fair to me.
Ethan: I'm not going to put her through that.
Heavenly: but you will. See ya tomorrow 😉

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