I'll protect you

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Jc's p.o.v 

As I turn the aisle, I hear the voice that I was so hoping of never hearing again. He found us and Nova was going to find out. I just finally got her to get closer to me, now this fucker is going to ruin it all. I stood behind Nova, just waiting on him to tell her everything, but he doesn't even seem to  see me standing there. 

"Umm, I'm quite surprised he let you leave the house all alone, but than again we're talking about Jc. He was never the brightest cookie, maybe that's why you chosen me and not him." Bradley says, walking up to her. Nova started to shake, but didn't move or say a word. What was I doing standing here and watching him hurt her? 

"Leave her alone or you'll regret ever touching her." I hissed, I reached out, grading Nova's hand, I pulled her against my chest. I felt the shaking stop. 

"Oh, will I? Don't think so, but I do know I told you to stay away from her. You didn't listen, if I was you, I'd run to my mommy. I'll be back for her." He says walking away from us, people stopped and watched as it happened, no one came near us to asked if we were ok. 

"Let's go Nova." I say, starting to lead her out of the store. 

"But what about the food, Heavenly is going to be angry and I'm hungry?" Nova whispers, I didn't care. I had to get her far from him. What if he followed us back the house? I have to protect Nova no matter what and if that means killing him, than I will. I'll be glad to hear hos screams...

"JC! Pay attention!" Nova yells, bringing me out of my thoughts. I look at what she was yelling at me for....

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