Should I Tell Her

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I gulped  as I read  the message. I've hadn't  heard  from  Bradley since I  left Texas. And what was he even talking about Nova killing or well trying to kill him, I've  never heard anything about that. And Nova would never kill or hurt someone no matter how much she's hates them.

"Hey, did you hear me calling out?" Nova asked, catching my attention, I didn't even know she had came up the stairs. I was last in thought that I forgot she had even called out or came back home.

"Yea, sorry. I was coming down to meet up with you, but someone DM me on Instagram." I explained.

"Oh, so that person is more important  than me?" Nova pouted, is she teasing me. Well she's  in a better mood.

"Are you teasing me?" I asked, what changed her mood, because  she had only been gone for at least 20 minutes  and when we were younger she would stay mad at me for hours. Something  happen and it was starting to worry  me.

"Maybe." She giggled, ok what the fuck happened while she was out.

"What the fuck happened to you?" I asked, she gave me a confused look like she didn't  know what I was talking about.

"You were just screaming at me and you know that you always stay mad at me for hours. You were gone for 20 damn minutes  and now your teasing me like nothing ever happen." I explained  and she gave me a hurt look, starting to make me feel bad. Damn it she's  toying with emotions.

"Yea I'm  sorry about that. I just didn't  know how to react to something  like that, I just needed time to think about everything." Nova says frowning at the floor. Something  did happen from the look on her face, but it was something  bad.

"What happened? When you were out?" I asked getting really worried about her. Maybe Bradley  had found her.

"Uh, I've  been  having really bad flashbacks and they all end up being the bad ones. If you know what I mean." Nova says walking into her room, with me following  behind her. Flashbacks? This would be the first time I heard about them and bad ones?

"Bradley? He's  the bad ones?" I asked still so confused, why would they be so bad. I mean yea he hurt her, but was it that bad?

"Yea, they started  after  my mom and I  went back to Kentucky. I may or may not have left him in a abandoned  house  bleeding." Nova whispers sitting down on the bed, I taking my spot next to her. He brought up her trying to kill him, so it's  true. Maybe she had enough of him and knew there was only one way out.

"I'm  sorry." Was all I could say. I mean it was my fault that she had to go that far to protect  herself. She gave me a gently smile and cuddle  up to my side. I smiled back at her, wrapping  my arms around  her, and lying back. Not knowing what else  to  say we lied there, cuddling in silence.

I'll  tell her later. She had to much to deal with already today.

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