belligerent • seventeen

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So I just started paying attention to my reads and shit and I see that I have 17k+ reads & 1k+ votes. I AM LIVING!!!!! First off, I wouldn't be there without y'all so thank you 😊😙 Honestly bitch, I didn't know my book would get that much attention but whoop there it is 💀 anyways let me write this little chapter.

from : jah 🌊 ( 1:12 a.m. )

why haven't I seen u today?

from : jah 🌊 ( 1:26 a.m. )

are u ok?

from : jah 🌊 ( 1:28 a.m. )

did I do something?

from : jah 🌊 ( 1:32 a.m. )

alright i'm omw.

The texts explained why I had some stranger all over me at five in the morning. When I felt arms around me, I instantly rolled my eyes and pushed him off of me. When that didn't work, I patted his cheek possibly harder than attended.

"Get up." I repeated until his eyes began opening. "What are you doing here? You need to leave." I said once he seemed like he was half awake. He just laid there, looking up at the ceiling. I sighed and looked around my living room, searching for Hailee. It took me a while to notice that I wasn't in my living room anymore. Instead, I was in my own bedroom. I don't even know how he got me in here and at the moment I didn't really care. I just wanted him out.

"Jahseh." I called. He finally met eyes with me and raised an eyebrow as if he was saying 'Huh?'. "You have to go." I said each word slowly so he knew what I was saying. He stared at me for a while before shaking his head no and staring back up at the ceiling. "No? No, yes. You gotta leave. You can't just fucking ignore me all night and then pop up at my home anytime you want. It doesn't work that way." I fumed. What I said didn't seem to phase him. He still was staring up at the ceiling like nothing was going on around him.

"Wow. Alright well you better be out of my home within the next hour or I'ma have to call 'em." Once again, I was met with silence. I rolled my eyes once again and got up to start my day.

I wasn't really planning on doing anything today per usual. I checked the time on my phone before going into the bathroom. It was 6:23 in the morning which wasn't the usual time I got up but whatever, I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep anyway.

I decided to take a quick shower but 15 minutes turned into 30 and 30 turned into almost an hour. I really only stayed in so long because I was giving Jah some time to leave. When I stepped out wrapped in a towel, I wasn't surprised to see Jahses still there. He was snoring with his arm over his face, shielding himself from the light that was beginning to peak through my curtains. I pursed my lips and made my way to the window, closing the curtains then to my closet to change.

• • •

I sat on my couch with a bowl of Froot Loops and my phone in my hand trying to find out what was the moves today. Bad Girl's Club was playing on the T.V. as background noise and I'd look up occasionally when I heard the beginning of an altercation.

I saw a few collages and flyers promoting a couple of pool parties going on but I wasn't really in a partying kind of mood. When I didn't see anything but that, I just settled on going anyway. I didn't want to tell Venus about it because I didn't want to babysit her although I'm sure she had probably saw the flyers herself.

The little function started at 3 and there wasn't a set ending time so I figured I'd get ready at like 5 or something. I didn't even want to go myself but I needed to get out of the house. I've just been cooped up in here 24/7 doing nothing.

I got up to put my bowl in the sink and get myself a bottle of water. While in the kitchen I heard the loud yelling and music switch to some other shit I couldn't identify.

I rolled my eyes and poked my head out of the kitchen before walking back into the living room and sitting down on the couch. Jahseh was laid out on the other love seat and Hailee was nowhere to be found. I shrugged it off, figuring she left.

We sat in silence except for the television playing as background noise. I stared him down, hoping to intimidate him although I knew nothing intimidated Jahseh.

"Fuck you looking at me for?" He finally spoke up. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked around, searching for who he was talking to.

"You, damn." He kissed his teeth and looked up at me.

"So now you wanna speak? You heard when I said that you had to leave though, right?"

He disregarded my question and turned his head back to the television.

I ran my tongue over my teeth and nodded slowly, getting up to get the remote and turning the t.v. off. He kissed his teeth yet again and glanced up at me. "Amber, man quit playing."

"No." I sternly replied. "You need toget your ass up and leave. I don't know why you think it's just okay to co-" I began to continue my argument before he cut my off, putting his hand on my thigh and slightly pushing me out of his view.

"You must need some dick or something because you being real aggravating right now." He commented causing my jaw to drop.

I grabbed him by the shirt he was wearing and pulled on it, attempting to get him up and out. He grabbed my neck as quick as I grabbed him.

He stared me straight in the eye, tightening his grip on my neck.

"Chill the fuck out." Was all he said after almost 2 minutes of me gasping for air. He finally let go, allowing me to draw in a big breath of air. I even coughed a bit as he sat down on the love seat like he hadn't just choked me out.

I really didn't want to admit it but it sort of turned me on when his hands were wrapped around my neck. Disappointment washed over me when he released his grip and the thought of that scared me.

What was wrong with me?

• • •

This chapter was so long and boring for no reason and I'm not really proud of it but hey here I am 😊

What y'all been up to though?

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